Community Care Northumberland (CCN) is currently accepting applications from individuals interested in joining our Board of Directors and Committees of the Board. Community Care Northumberland is seeking community members who have a strong commitment to improving and supporting the health and wellbeing of seniors, adults with disabilities and hospice clients and their families in Northumberland County. CCN’s Board is a group of community members with diverse skillsets and expertise who volunteer by overseeing
the governance and stewardship of the organization.
In keeping with CCN’s strategic plan the Board will be focusing its efforts on the following:
• Actively participating in the Ontario Health Team-Northumberland, working together to improve individuals experience with local health and social services
• Ensuring financial sustainability of community programs and Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre
• Launching a new strategic plan
The Nominating Committee is looking to recruit potential candidates with the following skill sets:
• Legal Expertise
• Fundraising Expertise
• Health Care Administration/Policy Development
• Government and Governmental Relations
The time commitment for Board and Committee members is approximately four (4) to six (6) hours per month. The Board meets monthly, and Committees meet approximately every two (2)
months, both with the potential for additional ad hoc meetings if required. Board members serve for a period of three years with the possibility of extension. Committee member appointments are reviewed annually. Board and Committee members from all areas of the County geography are encouraged as meetings rotate to different Northumberland communities and are offered virtually.
These are volunteer positions without financial compensation.
Interested candidates should request an application package from CCN’s Administration Office by contacting Tina Stephens, Executive Assistant at 1-866-514-5774 or by email at
You can also access this information on our website under the ‘Board’ tab at
The deadline to submit an application is May 22nd, 2022