Cobourg Police RIDE Program Keeping Lookout for Impaired Drivers on Superbowl Sunday

In Local, Police Blotter

Cobourg Police were out on Sunday, February 13, 2022 keeping an eye out for impaired drivers conducting a RIDE program.

The R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) was conducted starting in the afternoon and working well into the evening.

It was no coincidence the RIDE program was held on Superbowl Sunday.

Sgt. Mike Richardson spoke to Today’s Northumberland in the evening and said he hopes the message gets out to people to make the right choice to not drink and drive or consume drugs.

“It’s so dangerous for everyone.”

Richardson also advised that a reoccurring problem seems to be a number of people driver through the RIDE program without stopping.

Along with being a Highway Traffic Act offence, Richardson said it’s dangerous for the officers.

Whether police are at a collision or a RIDE program, “slow down and if the officer directs you to stop – stop.”

There were not only members of the RIDE team in various locations, officers were also patrolling the streets.

Police don’t mind it when people share there is a RIDE program working because it hopefully helps people make the right decision by phoning a friend or calling a cab.

“People still do it (drive impaired). I don’t understand why.”

Richardson has someone closed to him that was struck by an impaired driver many years ago that still suffers from life long injuries.

“Make a good decision – don’t drink and drive. Don’t consume drugs and drive.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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