Raising the Flag to End Gender-Based Violence Across Ontario

In Local, Upcoming Events

November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month, and communities across Northumberland will be joining with Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre (Cornerstone) to raise the flag to end-gender based violence! For the 9th year, the Wrapped in Courage campaign is mobilizing Violence Against Women (VAW) shelters across Ontario to remind everyone that now more than ever, violence continues to be the greatest gender inequality rights issue for women and girls.

“Throughout the month of November we ask Ontarian’s to wear a Purple Scarf to show support for survivors who’ve had to endure gender-based violence in their homes, communities and workplaces,” says Cornerstone Executive Director, Nancy Johnston. “The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes to seek support and safety from violence.”
If you are looking to purchase a scarf, tie, toque, mug or blanket please contact Cornerstone today!

Starting November 22nd Wrapped in Courage flags will be raised in our community by all municipalities and Cobourg Police Services and will fly throughout the week, especially on the 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the first day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. In addition to flags flying a Proclamation has been declared across the County.

This Proclamation and flag raising signals a commitment to ending gender-based violence in our community and to ensure survivors know they are not alone. Cornerstone provides vital safety and
support services to survivors of gender-based violence and their children.

“From November 22 to 26, the Wrapped in Courage flag will fly on Northumberland County’s community flag pole, and the County building will be lit in purple on November 25, to raise awareness of the toll of gender-based violence worldwide, and to promote gender equality,” says County Council Warden Bob Crate. “During this period of reflection and action – and indeed every day – we must advance collectively towards a vision for safe, healing and equality-based communities.”

Gender-based violence is an often invisible issue, and many women and gender-diverse individuals may not be aware of the services that are available in their community. Every Ontarian has a key role to play when it comes to addressing gender-based violence and preventing femicide. Take action to address gender-based violence in a meaningful way today by:

● Talking with those close to you about how shelters in your community play an essential role for survivor safety through their programs and services and continue to have services available throughout the pandemic

● Contacting our municipal, provincial and federal politicians to let them know you want them to take action to end gender-based violence through commitments and planning at all levels of government.
o MPP David Piccini:
▪ Telephone: 905-372-4000
▪ Fax: 905-885-0050
▪ Email: david.piccinico@pc.ola.org

● Connecting with Cornerstone about how you can support our services

● On November 25th Be Sure to Wear or Display A Purple Scarf in Support of Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and post with the hashtag #WrappedinCourage to your social media

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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