Santa and Mrs. Claus Visit Brighton

In Community, Editor Choice, Local

Santa and Mrs. Claus were the guests of honour for the first Santa Claus parade held in Brighton since 2019.

It was a static parade held in the Industrial Park just south of downtown Brighton but it was the perfect winters chilly night as hundreds of vehicles lined the streets to drive through and see the floats and bands.

Chair of Community Events, Lloyd Hutchinson said with last year’s parade being cancelled, the community is doing its best to bring the Christmas spirit to Brighton.

“It’s worked out really well. The people in the Industrial Park have decorated their places and an hour into it – everybody’s happy.”

“The floats are just tremendous.”

Hutchinson said one of the nicest parts of the evening is hearing the voices of happy children and seeing their faces.

“It’s nice to hear the kids laughing and smiling again – it’s great.”

Speaking to Today’s Northumberland briefly during the parade Santa said this year most people have been pretty good.

“There are a couple just on the edge, but we’re working on those ones.”

During COVID times, Santa said everyone is being safe wearing their masks in the workshops.

“We’ve been very good. We’ve been tested and we’ve found out there is no COVID in the North Pole.”

Santa said he and Mrs. Claus were so happy to attend the celebration in Brighton on Friday evening.

“COVID is not allowing us to have a regular parade but this is so nice. I love it.”

And wants everyone to have a “very merry safe Christmas.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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