Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment Hold Change of Appointment Ceremony in Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Local

The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment held a Change of Appointment ceremony at the Afghanistan Memorial in Cobourg on Saturday, July 31, 2021.

It was a fitting location as the Change of Appointment ceremony was between two Afghanistan veterans.

A number of dignitaries were present for the ceremony including Cobourg Mayor John Henderson, Chief of Police Paul VandeGraaf, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Leanne Quinn and Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment Commanding Officer LCol Roy van Den Berg.

During the ceremony there was a formal exchange of the Regiment Sergeant-Major Drill cane and sword along with the signing of the Change of Appointment documents.

The Change of Appointments was for outgoing Regimental Sergeant-Chief Warrant Officer Major Dean Stokes and Incoming Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Rod McNeil.

Since World War II, soldiers of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment have contributed on operations, training or exercises in the following countries, Korea, Germany, Egypt, Syria, Cyprus, Great Britain, Norway, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Congo, Sudan Guatemala, former Yugoslavia, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Russia, Afghanistan, Upper Mongolia, Australia, Ukraine, Lebanon, USA and Peru.

Outgoing RSM Stokes said during the ceremony that the passion and commitment of LCol Chris Comeau and LCol van Den Berg, “is second to none in any other Regiment I have experienced in the Canadian Armed Forces.”

“I don’t think many will ever understand how much they care about the Regiment and our members but after working with them you get to see it firsthand. They have also both been there for me when I needed it too, and are now good friends.”

Stokes also praised his wife Nicole. “The time commitment to this role is 24-7 and I’m sure you will be happy that the Blackberry is gone.”

Stokes said, “what an honour and privilege it has been to be the RSM of the finest Infantry Regiment in Canada.”

“I didn’t achieve all I wanted to do as the RSM, but that is a testament to the role, there is always something to do. It’s a case of juggling and prioritising what’s best for The Regiment needs at that time.”

“I may not be a farmer and definitely not a carpenter, but I am a Plough Jockey and very proud of that – and with that, once a Hasty P, always a Hasty P.”

RSM McNeil who has been in the military for almost three decades said the ceremony held in Cobourg where he went to school was one of the highlights of his life.

“It’s not just a topper, it’s a career highlight to get this rank/promotion here in Cobourg.”

“It was probably the most fitting location, again myself and the former Chief Stokes were both Afghan vets and having it at the Afghan Memorial in Cobourg where I spent most of my military career.”

McNeil was born in Mississauga in 1974 and enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1992 as an infantry soldier. He has served with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment out of Belleville and Cobourg for over 29 years.

He graduated high school in Cobourg and has served overseas in Africa conducting short TAV to Somalia, Rwanda and Congo, Bosnia-Herzegovina as a Light Patrol Vehicle Company Section Commander and Afghanistan as Provincial Reconstruct Team Ops WO and Police Operational Mentor Liaison Team Member.

McNeil lives in Clarington with his family, his wife Jennifer, two sons Andrew and Matthew and his older daughter Madeline who now lives in Port Hope.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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