External police service called in to investigate allegations of misconduct.
COBOURG (July 1, 2021) – Last week, the Cobourg Police Service (CPS) became aware of allegations of
misconduct against a member of CPS while on secondment at the Ontario Police College (OPC).
The member was released from their contract at OPC, and immediate action was taken by CPS to ensure the
investigation into the allegations could begin without delay. The Cobourg Police Services Board approved CPS
to bring in the Toronto Police Service to investigate the allegations to promote a non-bias and transparent
review process.
“I have been made aware of allegations of misconduct against a member of CPS while they were seconded to
the OPC. We took immediate action to initiate an investigation led by an outside Service to ensure there is no
perception of a biased or unfair investigation. We will provide an update to the public once the investigation is
complete.” Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service
The involved member, a Constable with CPS, was working at OPC when the incident allegedly occurred. The
Constable is suspended with pay until the outcome of the investigation is revealed.