Cobourg Woman’s Artwork Becoming Fixture Along The Lakeshore

In Community, Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery


A Cobourg woman is becoming a fixture along the boardwalk with her artwork.

Jenny Duda first started creating fence art in the summer of 2020 when a fence was installed along Victoria Beach.
With many admirers of her work, she spent hours along the boardwalk creating numerous images using yarn.

That gift of the fence art has continued even though the fence has been taken down at the end of the summer.
Duda has been continuing her art creations on a fence close to the boardwalk just west of Durham Street in Cobourg.
At this point the creation is a bird in a next with three eggs that she has been working on for approximately 16-hours over the past few weeks.

Over the course of time, she expects the artwork to change with the seasons.

“I started with just a nest and a lot of people were really curious about what I was doing.

With strict COVID-19 restrictions many people praise Duda’s artwork how it brightens their day.

When she added the two eggs and the robins chest people guessed the artwork would be a canoeist, dragon fly to a penguin.

“As I work on it, I want it to evolve over the season from Spring to Fall and I want to change things.”

Two of the eggs are blue signifying the robins eggs, and one is white.

“In the robin’s wing I put a shape that looks like a cell phone. I wanted it to be a little joke that something is happening in the next that Mama robin has to phone Tele-Health.”

The eggs will change as time goes on and Duda anticipates they will hatch.

As summer ends, she will be changing the artwork again for the Fall.

But because Earth Day falls is this coming Thursday, April 22, 2021 she has a surprise in store.

“You’re going to have to come back to see what happens to the next.”

Duda said when she arrived on Monday, April 19, 2021 she discovered one of her pieces of art was “tagged.”

Someone had altered a heart she created in February for Valentine’s Day.

“It was a way to spread a bit of joy in the middle of the hard winter we were going through.”

But when she arrived she noticed someone cut some of her branches from the current artwork and decided to tag the letters MG on the heart.

“That made me pretty upset when I arrived.”

“Someone is trying to take ownership of my imaginative work.”

For nearly the past year Duda has created art for people’s enjoyment along the lakeshore in Cobourg.

“As an artist, these are really difficult times and I think everybody needs to do something that brings a bit of joy to the community. My talent is art, and I would like everybody to step up and do something you can do to improve the community. When people come and walk by, they are lifted by this piece of art – so I know it’s working.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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