Climate Change Survey Seeks Input for the Municipality of Port Hope

In City Hall

The Climate Change Working Group for the Municipality of Port Hope, in collaboration with graduate students and faculty from McMaster University, is seeking input through a comprehensive survey from residents and stakeholders to help inform a Climate Change Action Plan for the Municipality.

The purpose of the survey, which was developed by McMaster’s graduate students and faculty from the W. Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology, is to gather local information and insights about climate change in Port Hope and the surrounding area. Data from the survey will help the Municipality better understand local perceptions and experiences of climate change, examples of current initiatives and their impact, gaps, barriers and opportunities, priority actions moving forward, and potential roles of municipal government and other stakeholders – including Port Hope community groups.

“I commend the Working Group, including Councillor Mink, for dedicating a great deal of time and energy to this important initiative,” notes Bob Sanderson, Mayor of the Municipality of Port Hope. “Our community is small but mighty and I expect that there will be a tremendous response to this survey, with critical information that will guide the development of the Municipality’s new Action Plan on Climate Change. I look forward to the recommendations from the Working Group in the months to come and support from the Municipality on climate change mitigation for our local area.”

Formerly the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Sustainability Working Group, the newly re-named Climate Change Working Group is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to support the completion of a Climate Change Action Plan. The Working Group collaborates with the Environmental Officer for Northumberland County as well as McMaster University graduate students to develop a plan for climate mitigation strategies that can be implemented by the Municipality.

The Climate Change survey represents the third and final phase of the collaboration with McMaster and the Municipal Working Group. The partnership was established in September 2019 and the groups have worked together with the goal to develop a strong Action Plan against Climate Change at the local level.

“The launch of this survey marks an important milestone for our Working Group, and I am proud of our accomplishments to date,” adds Bob Biffin, Chair of the Climate Change Working Group. “This survey is merely a piece of a larger puzzle and we still have a long road ahead. The information gleaned from the survey will contribute to a dashboard of options that Council will then need to consider, implement, and resource.

The task is still a sizable one, but I am confident that if we can think global and act local, we can do our part for Mother Nature in our small corner of the Earth.”
Residents, business owners, and other interested parties can complete the survey until March 31, 2021. Additional information about the Climate Change Working Group can be found on the Boards and Committees page.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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