Cobourg Councillors Beatty and Bureau Want to Hear from You

In Local, Upcoming Events

Cobourg Councillors Nicole Beatty and Adam Bureau want to hear from the citizens.

The two councillors are holding a Zoom meeting online to hear from residents about – anything.

Questions, comments, concerns – anything.

“We’re having it for us to reengage with the citizens,” said Bureau.

“One of the biggest things we found during COVID is we haven’t been able to reach the people we normally talk too.”

“So we want to give everybody the chance to ask questions, share ideas or just sit and listen.”

Bureau wants to emphasize that they are not speaking on behalf of council.

But said if they can’t answer questions that evening, they will find the answers and get back to them.

“Input is the best way we can make our decisions. We make our decisions on behalf of the residents of Cobourg and that’s why we want to hear from them.”

To join in on the Zoom meeting email to get access.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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