Editorial – Let’s All Protect Our Emergency Services At Scenes

In Editorial

Editorial – It really is a wonder why more people aren’t killed at emergency scenes.

Not from the actual emergency itself, but from motorists driving through.

On Saturday, February 13, 2021 there was another fire in downtown Colborne.

Thankfully eight people were unharmed, though they won’t be living at their building for sometime due to fire, smoke and water damage.

But watching the firefighters work in frigid weather, paramedics standing by in case of injuries and police doing their best to block traffic from the area it came as an absolute shock to see one driver go literally right through the entire scene.

The driver was heading south on Toronto Road and literally had to zig-zag his way through the scene, firefighters and fire apparatus.

It was – unbelievable.

Firefighters who did see it were in disbelief.

Any emergency services person has seen it happen in their career. Unfortunately one time is to many.

But one of these days, someone will get hit.

The general public are so fixated on going from Point A to Point B that if something is in their way, they’ll just go right through. That’s what happened today.

Just before he drove through I looked right at the driver.

He gave that “I’ll be damned if I’ll let this stop me” look as he went through.

For anyone who sees flashing lights, slow down.

For anyone that sees pylons across the road. They are likely there to stop you from proceeding.

If you see emergency vehicles blocking the road – use common sense. Turn around and proceed another way around the area.

Even if you are unsure or confused when you see a number of emergency vehicles at a scene. Pull over. Take some time to observe. Don’t be in a rush. And if you happen to find yourself in a scene – stop! Make sure emergency services that are in the area see you. They may be upset, but they will escort you out of the scene.

The men and women who protect us day in and day out deserve to go home to their families. It’s the least we can do.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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