Lauria Auto Group Lowers Canadian Flag In Wake of Community Tragedy

In Local

The Municipality of Port Hope are not the only ones lowering their flags in honour of the tragedy earlier this week.

On December 2, 2020 at approximately 8 a.m. two siblings were struck by a vehicle outside their home on the 7th Line near Campbellcroft as they were about to board a bus for school.

Twelve-year-old Cormac Kerin died at the scene of the collision. His 10-year-old sister, Shea was transported by Northumberland Paramedics with a police escort to Northumberland Hills Hospital and airlifted to Sick Children’s Hospital where she remains in critical condition.

The tragedy has had a devastating impact locally as the family along with their children are well known in the community.

Bud Lauria from Lauria Auto Group also wanted to show a sign of respect for the family.

Lauria said even though he doesn’t know the family personally, many staff and friends have close relationships with them through school and sports.

Lauria’s Canadian flag which measures 30′ x 15′ has been flying at half mast since the accident.

The flag is place along Highway 401 and Lauria for the past 17-years has always lowered the flag exclusively for fallen soldiers who return home along the Highway of Heroes from CFB Trenton to Toronto and Remembrance Day.

“When our flag flies high, we’ve always seen it as representation of our community’s proud Canadian spirit, but since the collision, it’s been at half mast, we believe it represents a community that is hurting.”

“We felt the sheer magnitude of Wednesday’s tragedy in Port Hope and its impact on the community as a whole, needed to be acknowledged in any way that we could.”

“Our thoughts are with the family, friends, classmates and teammates of this bright and talented young man and his sister.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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