Cobourg Police – Break and Enter at Northumberland Mall

In Police Blotter

On Wednesday, October 28th, 2020, members of the Cobourg Police Service responded to a report of break and enter at three separate retail stores inside the Northumberland Mall. Items stolen were cash, clothing, and a small safe.

Through investigation, police obtained surveillance images that capture two suspects at the rear of the mall several times between 1:47 am and 4:07 am on October 28th.
Suspect Descriptions:

1. Male, large build, wearing a bulky jacket with hood up, gloves, face appears to be covered with a mask

2. Unknown sex, small build, wearing a jacket with hood up, gloves, face appears to be covered with a mask, wearing a backpack

The Cobourg Police Service is asking anyone with information to come forward. If anyone recognizes the two individuals or has any knowledge of this incident, please contact the Cobourg Police Service at 905-372-6821, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or leave an anonymous tip online at Police are also requesting information from anyone who lives behind the mall who noticed anything suspicious or may have cameras that captured the suspects on video.

Crime Prevention for Businesses
Investigators with the Cobourg Police Service remind business owners of the importance of maintaining and updating video surveillance equipment. Quality images help identify suspects, aid in arrests, and have a tremendous impact during court proceedings. If a business is well kept, it will discourage potential thieves.

Follow the tips listed below to keep your business secure.
• Do a thorough cleaning of windows and floors and log when it was done so that investigators will have a timeline to work with if a break-in happens

• Remove valuables from your store display

• Remove all cash from tills and leave open with the cash tray out and visibly empty

• Ensure alarm systems are working and all contact lists are up to date

• Post on doors/windows that the premises are monitored by an alarm company and that no money is kept on the premises

• Consider a surveillance system which can be monitored remotely by phone/online

• Consider putting a laminate on all windows/glass to discourage and help prevent easy entry

• Keep some lighting on inside to help with video surveillance and consider lighting on timers if possible

• Ensure all doors and windows are locked and secure

• Ensure all exterior lighting is functioning and on — consider motion sensor lights as another option

• Remove anything on the exterior which could be used to gain entry to your premises (bricks, ladders, poles, construction materials)

• Regularly check your business and keep a log of when you last attended. Try and make your checks at
different hours during the day/night

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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