Editorial – Canada Is Much More Than Just A Day of Celebration

In Editorial

Editorial – It was a different Canada Day for everyone.

There was no Waterfront Festival.  No crowds, no traffic jam – no beach and you could park anywhere you wanted in town.

Yet still, the spirit of the day could be felt.

Thousands of people that usually attend Victoria Park weren’t there this year.

The bandshell – empty.

No noise echoing throughout the park and neighbourhoods.

But, like Dr. Seuss in How the Grinch Stole Christmas – like the Whos in Whoville, the citizens made the most out of a bad situation.

At the end of the show, errr evening you begin to realize what’s important.

We as Canadians stand tall.  Stand proud.  We know what the flag means, and what our country stands for.

Canada Day, is everyday.  It’s just on July 1 we pause to reflect how lucky we are to live in the greatest country in the world.

But maybe, just maybe, this year of all years, we’ve come to realize, it’s not one day that should stand out to make us proud, pound our chests, stand a bit taller and sing our national anthem.

Everyday we should.

Yes, this year, like every year, we have our differences.  And that’s what makes us unique.  We can agree to disagree.  You’re not thrown in jail for speaking your mind.  You don’t disappear never to be heard from.

A walk to the east pier around 10 p.m. on a peaceful Canada Day gave time to just sit and think about our beautiful town.

The boats in the harbour, campers nearby, a full moon over a peaceful Lake Ontario and yes, an empty and quiet beach.

These are crazy times with COVID-19.  Maybe critics can say in the future we over reacted.

When that time comes, wouldn’t it be great to say that?

Until then, we as Canadians are in this together.  For better, for worse – we – are – in -this – together.

So, be kind to one another.  Not everyone is right and not everyone will be wrong.

Leaders in our community, from Cobourg Council to our Member of Provincial Parliament and Member of Parliament are doing their best for us.

And the best advice I can give…go for a quiet walk in the evening.  Put away the phone.  Take time to look around where you live.  See the beauty of your town, your province – your country.

When you live in the greatest country in the world – it’s something we all need to appreciate.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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