MPP Piccini to Host Economic Recovery Consultations to Inform Ontario’s Jobs and Recovery Committee

In Editor Choice, Local

Consultations across Northumberland-Peterborough South will gather ideas on how best to protect and support people and jobs, restart the economy and move towards recovery

David Piccini, MPP for Northumberland-Peterborough South, will be hosting sector specific consultations with industry stakeholders across the riding to discuss the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our local economy and to gather ideas as Ontario prepares to restart the economy.

Building on municipal virtual town halls with Mayors and First Nation Chiefs across NorthumberlandPeterborough South that MPP Piccini has already launched and expanding on a previous virtual roundtable with the Ministry of Finance and local businesses, these consultations will be key in restarting Ontario’s economy. The Province also recently released A Framework for Reopening our Province that outlines the criteria Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and health experts will use to advise the government on the loosening of emergency measures.

“To inform the Government of Ontario on measures the province can take to restart the economy, it will be critical that we lean on our job creators,” said MPP Piccini. “Local industry has always been built on innovative ideas and hard work, which it why it is important for me to listen to their ideas on ways we can best position Ontario’s economy to strongly emerge from COVID-19.”

Over the past weeks, people and businesses have done their part to contain this virus. But, as we have all seen, the impacts of following the public health advice comes at a cost for our families, workers, businesses and communities. Ideas from these consultations will be reported into the Government’s new Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee. The Committee will take in this feedback to identify how best to protect and support people and jobs, restart the economy and move towards recovery across Ontario.

“As we think about the real, long-term impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, we need to ensure we are prepared once the state of emergency is lifted so people can safely and confidently participate in local life again,” said MPP Piccini. “By working together we can support a people-focused plan that gets our communities on the road to recovery.”

These consultations reflect a Team Ontario approach, working collaboratively with experts, local leaders, municipal and regional governments, and people across all sectors, industries and regions of the province. These consultations are an opportunity to hear about direct supports and identify any gaps, discuss local short-term and long-term needs and priorities, and work together on a plan to reopen stronger than ever.

“While we’ve all been impacted by COVID-19, each sector and each region of the province has experienced it differently,” said MPP Piccini. “That’s why it’s so important to hear directly from people and businesses on the economic impacts of COVID-19 in Northumberland-Peterborough South to make sure we know what is needed in our communities.”

To learn how you can submit your ideas, visit

To register for one of the upcoming sector specific consultations, please email or call 905-372-4000.


There are 6 sector-led consultations for Northumberland-Peterborough South :

· SME and Non-Profits – May 21 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

· Manufacturing – May 28 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

· Tourism – June 4 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

· Agriculture / Food Processing – June 8 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

· Development / Construction – June 11 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

· Professionals – June 18 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm


Members of the Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee include:

• Rod Phillips, Chair, Minister of Finance

• Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

• Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board

• Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation

• Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health

• Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

• Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Minister of Indigenous Affairs

• John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

• Laurie Scott, Minister of Infrastructure

• Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

• Lisa Thompson, Minister of Government and Consumer Services

• Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development

• Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction


On March 25, 2020, the government launched Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19. The first phase of the government’s response, it is a $17 billion package with funding targeted to help families and a variety of sectors across Ontario.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES See how your organization can help fight COVID-19. Learn more about Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19. Visit Ontario’s website to learn more about how the province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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