Northumberland OPP – Bear Sighting In Cramahe Township

In Local

On Tuesday March 17, 2020 at approximately 9:30 pm members of the Northumberland Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police responded to a report of a bear sighting on the property of a residence located on Dawson Road near Red Cloud School Road. The bear was observed eating out of a bird feeder located on the front yard of the property, then entering a livestock pen. The bear then left the property towards a nearby wooded area.

Bear season is upon us and with it comes an increase in bear sightings in urban areas. As bears wake up after a winter of hibernation, they are faced with a scarcity o f natural food sources, leading black bears to forage for food in garbage cans and bird feeders.

Most human-bear encounters occur when bears are attracted by smells, so removing potential attractants will help avoid unwarranted visitors. Residents are reminded to practice these safety tips to prevent bears from wandering onto their property:

· Put garbage out to the curb-side only on the morning of collection

· Put away bird feeders, seed, and suet

· Store garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids

· Clean outdoor grills after each use, including the grease trap underneath.

· Store other pet foods indoors

If You Encounter a Bear:
· Remain calm and avoid sudden movements.

· Give the bear plenty of room, allowing it to continue its activities undisturbed. If it changes its behavior, you’re too close so back away.

· If you see a bear but the bear does not see you, detour quickly and quietly.

·If a bear does spot you, it is best to let it know you are human, so talk in a normal voice and waive your arms while it is still further away.

· Never feed or throw food to a bear.

· If a bear pursues you, throw something on the ground, it may be distracted by this and allow you time to escape.

· If you are near a building or vehicle, get inside as a precaution.

· Remember that a standing bear is not always a sign of aggression. Many times bears will stand to get a better view.

The Northumberland OPP would like to remind the public that bears are a wild animal and should be treated with caution, and respect. Generally, bears want to avoid humans, and most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare.

If you encounter a bear and your personal safety is threatened, you are urged to call police immediately by dialling 911.

For non-emergency encounters, call the toll-free Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (TTY 705-945-7641).

Learn more about what constitutes as an emergency bear encounter and what you can do to keep bears out of your community at:
Prevent Bear Encounters

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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