Municipality of Port Hope COVID-19 Update #1

In Local

Amid the evolving global spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Municipality continues to follow the professional advice and guidance of local healthcare authorities and the provincial and federal governments.

As this situation is developing quickly, cancellations and closures may be implemented at any time. Please continue to monitor our website and the official municipal social media channels for updates. Facebook: MunicipalityofPortHope Twitter: @porthopeinfo Instagram @municipalityofporthope

At this time, municipal facilities remain open and scheduled programming has not been cancelled or postponed. Our staff are enhancing cleaning and disinfection protocols and we continue to monitor the situation very closely.

While our facilities remain open and our scheduled programming has not be cancelled, you are reminded to exercise judgement and make decisions that best suit the needs of you and your family.

Enhanced Staff and Facility Protocols As a precautionary measure, we have increased the frequency of cleaning within our facilities, particularly of high-touch surface areas, including door knobs, counter services, and elevators.

All municipal staff members have been reminded to practice preventative health measures and to encourage all residents and visitors to our facilities to do the same.

These include:

• proper handwashing and sneeze/cough etiquette

• keeping hands away from eyes, nose and mouth

• avoid sharing food/beverages or personal items (utensils, water bottles, etc.)

• Use the hand sanitizer provided when you arrive at a municipal facility

Our staff have been directed to remain at home if they are experiencing cold and/or flu-like symptoms and if they have travelled to a destination affected by the Coronavirus in recent weeks.

We ask that you do the same.

Please do not visit our facilities if you think that you might be sick, or if you have travelled outside of the country in recent weeks.

The Municipality is receiving information and regular updates from Ontario Health, as the provincial lead, and the local Health Unit to prepare and respond to the increased likelihood of more COVID-19 infections in Canada.

Regular updates will be provided to the community.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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