Ontario Helping Municipalities in Northumberland-Peterborough South Improve Services for Residents and Businesses

In Local

The Ontario Government is providing funding to help small and rural municipalities in Northumberland-Peterborough South modernize service delivery. Of critical importance includes ways to speed up the process for approving new housing and commercial developments, so that it will be faster and easier to build housing and grow businesses.

The funding is provided through the Municipal Modernization Program and will support a range of projects, including helping municipalities streamline their local development approval processes and modernize permitting systems.

To better deliver services for Ontarians, all levels of government must work together. The Government of Ontario has approved funding of up to $50,000.00 towards the Municipality of Port Hope’s Industrial, Commercial and Residential Development Municipal Service Deliver Review. This comes on the feels of the recent Pemberton Road funding announcement of over $400,000 from the Government of Ontario to support the expansion of the Industrial Park.

Municipal Modernization Program projects may also include line-by-line reviews of the entire operating budget to find potential efficiencies, while others will look for savings and modernization opportunities to expand digital services or improve areas like road maintenance. The program is an important part of our Government’s plan to help municipalities’ lower costs and improve services for local residents and businesses over the long term.

“Our government is proud to invest in local projects focussed on making it faster and easier to build new housing and help attract and grow businesses,” said MPP David Piccini. “Our government remains committed to working with our municipal partners to create a more competitive business climate and deliver smarter government services for people and businesses.

The Municipal Modernization Program is an important part of achieving Ontario’s goal of helping municipalities deliver efficient, effective, modern services that meet the evolving needs of people and our communities.”

“The Municipality of Port Hope is grateful to the Government of Ontario for their generous support through the Municipal Modernization Program,” added Bob Sanderson, Mayor of the Municipality of Port Hope. “This funding is vital for us to identify opportunities to modernize local services and help us to exceed the needs of our residents and business community by enhancing the delivery of effective government services. The investment is a clear indication of Ontario’s dedication to improving Municipal efficiencies and service delivery.”

· More than 300 projects were submitted under the first intake of the Municipal Modernization Program and proposals continue to be reviewed.

· Our government is investing up to $8.1 million through the Municipal Modernization Program to support local projects that will help 115 small and rural municipalities find savings and modernize service delivery for residents and businesses. Projects range from broad reviews that will look at a number of municipal services, to more targeted opportunities for savings such as energy audits and fleet services reviews.

· Ontario is investing up to $3.9 million to help 42 municipalities streamline their local housing and commercial development approvals processes.

· Ontario is already providing up to $2.6 million for 27 joint projects that will help approximately 130 small and rural municipalities improve services for residents and businesses and lower costs in the longer term.

· Up to $125 million is available until 2022-23 through the Municipal Modernization Program.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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