Port Hope Council Meeting November 19, 2019

In City Hall

Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019. The full agenda and staff reports are available on the Council Portal.

Choate Street Extension Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
After consideration of a Staff report at their Committee of the Whole meeting on November 5, and further discussion at their meeting on November 19, Council supported a resolution to post the Notice of Study Completion for the Choate Street Extension Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) with the proposed Alternative No. 5 – Full extension within existing Cameco footprint, complete with new pathway separated from Vehicular Traffic. This Notice will be filed with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks, posted on the Community Consultation page of the Municipal website and the public will have the opportunity to submit questions and/or file an Order with the Ministry, per the standard EA process, beginning Monday, December 2, 2019 until Monday, January 6, 2020. Additional information about this process is outlined in a public notice issued by the Municipality on November 15, 2019 and supplementary information about the Choate Street Extension project can be found on the Choate Street Community Consultation page.

Traffic Calming Program
A Staff report and the Draft Traffic Calming Program was originally brought forward to the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 2, 2019, and was subsequently posted online for 90 days to gather public comment and feedback on the Program. After consideration of the public comments and minor edits made to the Draft, Council adopted the Traffic Calming Program by Resolution 103/2019.

The Traffic Calming Program outlines how investigations into traffic calming measures should be initiated and implemented based on the experience gained by the Municipality of Port Hope and other North American municipalities. Municipal Staff will follow the procedure and criteria outlined in the Program for the initiation, investigation, and implementation of traffic calming measures going forward. Proposed measures, identified through the Program, will be brought forward to Council for final review and approval. The program addresses safety concerns related to speeding and excessive traffic volume in a fair and efficient manner.

Delegation of Authority By-law
Council enacted the Delegation of Authority By-law (75/2019), and repealed the previous Delegation of Authority By-law (62/2016). This By-law allows for the delegation of certain administrative and legislative powers to senior Staff to allow them make routine administrative decisions, in an effort to contribute to the efficient management of the Municipality, while still adhering to the principles of accountability and transparency.

Council has previously delegated authority to committees, officers and employees of the Municipality through By-law and/or Council Resolution, in accordance with the current legislation.

Phase 4 – Lakeside Village Community (Mason Homes)
Council authorized execution of a Subdivision Agreement between Mason Homes and the Municipality of Port Hope for Phase 4 of Lakeside Village Community.

The proposed development will create a new subdivision (Phase 4) with internal roadways and associated infrastructure. This will link the newly constructed subdivision (Phase 3) to the west and provide a continuation of Strachan Street. The proposed development represents an opportunity for 166 new dwellings and families to join the Port Hope community, and is consistent with the Municipal vision to promote sustainable growth in the community.

Minutes from this meeting will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.

Recordings of the November 19, 2019 Regular Council meeting and the Committee of the Whole meeting will be available at porthope.ca/council-communications.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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