Warning – Graphic Images – They Got The Attention But Did Their Message Get Across To Public?

In Editor Choice, Local

On-camera interview with Rosemary Connell from “Show The Truth” click here


Editorial – They got the attention they wanted, but did their message get across to members of the public?

A number of protestors from the social justice group, Show The Truth came to Cobourg carrying large photos of aborted fetuses on Wednesday, August 14, 2019.

The pro-life protestors were at various locations in Cobourg ending up on both sides of King Street in front of Victoria Hall.

Cobourg Mayor John Henderson and Councillor Adam Bureau stood by for a few minutes along the sidewalk on Third Street and watched them speak with individuals.

Sometimes it was a calm discussion between protestors and the public, while at other times it became “heated.”

Towards the end one of the protestors vehicles which was parked on Third Street hit another parked vehicle. There was minimal to no damage. Police were also called shortly after 1 p.m. after tempers flared. A person who was offended by the graphic nature of the images grabbed a sign which a protestor was holding. The woman said she didn’t want a young child to see the image and believed the sign was directed at the child to see. At least one protestor may have grabbed the person. There were witnesses and police were called, but there were no charges.

A number of people walked to Cobourg Police and Victoria Hall to voice their concerns and see if anything could be done about the graphic images shown by the group.

The protesters did succeed in getting the attention they wanted with the graphic nature of the images. But in getting that attention, their purpose may have been defeated. Very few wanted to speak with them and learn about their cause because of the images they were showing.

I’ve seen these protestors before along streets in Cobourg. I haven’t even formed an opinion on what they are protesting until they come to terms about the way they try to get their message across to members of the public.

All of the people Today’s Northumberland spoke with near Victoria Hall were adamantly against the protestors. We’re not sure if they were for or against they cause, but they were totally against showing graphic images of aborted fetuses in front of children walking along the street.

In a on-camera interview, Today’s Northumberland asked a spokesperson for the group what their thoughts would be in showing a victim of a drunk driver. Anyone including Today’s Northumberland would obviously be opposed to any such idea, but we just wondered how far they would go to get their point across and what would be acceptable in their view.

A mother and her five-year-old daughter were walking their bicycles across the street and said how disgraceful it was what the group was doing.

“I’m fine, I can see this,” the mother said to Today’s Northumberland.

“But it’s a family town but we don’t need to expose young children to this.”

“I think it’s up to a parent to talk to them, not strangers, through graphic signs.”

“My concern is more for the woman who are pregnant, who have had traumatic birth losses, or traumatic birth experiences who see these signs can be very traumatic and upsetting for them.”

A spokesperson for the group, Rosemary Connell interjected by stating, “she’s pretty calm,” referring to the woman’s daughter.

The mother abruptly said, “don’t talk to my daughter.”

A number of young children came up to Connell stating they were upset with the images being shown. Connell said none of them looked upset, but she also admitted she wasn’t a child psychologist.

Today’s Northumberland spoke with Connell for approximately 20-minutes and watched her interact with members of the public. She remained calm throughout speaking with individuals trying to get the groups message across.

Connell stated, the group doesn’t talk to children. But she did. That is until a mother shut her down and told her not too.

Connell also stated the group doesn’t use the word “murder” when they speak to members of the public, but when crossing Third Street with Today’s Northumberland, she did.

While the group had large placards showing graphic images, they seemed not to want it be known they may have been filming when one person had a small GoPro on their waist.

Although they claim they aren’t a religious group, there was one protestor who appeared to be a minister.

The group may or may not have valid points about the message they were trying to share with the public.

But until they understand the vast majority of people walking the streets won’t listen to their cause because of the images, they may have got the attention they wanted in Cobourg, but the clearly lost the war on getting their message across to people.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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