UPDATE – Organizers Thrilled With Support From Community After Fundraiser

In Community, Editor Choice

Organizers are thrilled with the support from the community response following a fundraiser on Friday evening in Cobourg.

On Saturday afternoon Michelle Brown who organized the event for 10-year-old Jack Bradimore said although the final numbers aren’t in the event at the Cobourg Lions Community Centre raised over $16,000.

“I am honestly so touched at how well our community railied around the Bradimores.  A majority of the people who donated and attended don’t even know Jack- but know that there is a little boy and a family who needs our support and they didn’t disappoint!”

Brown said the fundraiser was a collaborative effort and the Nighthawks Executive played a major role making the evening a huge success.

“I’m looking forward to visiting Jack next week and giving him the jersey we had made for him and giving his parents all of the money we raised for them.”



Photo:Michelle Brown holds Jack Bradimore’s jersey at the Cobourg Lions Community Centre on Friday, July 5, 2019.

The community of Cobourg and area cane out to help a local hockey player on Friday, July 5, 2019.

Ten-year-old Jack Bradimore who attends Merwin Greer school in Cobourg was recently diagnosed with a rare brain cancer.

Jack and his parents, Christie and Daryl have been focusing their time on treatment at Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto.

When Michelle Brown heard about what Jack and his family were going through she wanted to help.

As the Bradimore’s are relatively new to the area, they may not have close family members living in the area.

The Northumberland Nighthawks hosted a fundraiser for Jack and his family on Friday night at the Cobourg Lions Community Centre.

“Jack’s one of our goalies in house league and we learned about it approximately five weeks ago that he’s been in Sick Kids for two months,” said Brown.

With his parents having to spend money while in the city, Brown said the team is doing the fundraiser to help out with costs for the family.

Brown said she spoke to Jack’s mom on Friday and she related that Friday was a “good” day.

The family originally found out about the tumour because Jack was having excruciating headaches for weeks and couldn’t keep any food down. After the third hospital they diagnosed it within 20-minutes on May 9.

“They’re on their third round of chemo and they are hoping to shrink the tumour enough that they can do surgery in the near future and that he can go on radiation.”

Just a few hours into the Friday evening fundraiser, Brown said the turnout was “amazing.”

“The silent auction and raffle prizes are phenomenal.”

Many of the items for the event were donated from the community and a large number of people including Brown, didn’t know the family personally, but wanted to help.

“My son’s an older goalie with the Nighthawks, but it didn’t matter. I saw this little boy in a Nightawks jersey and it touched my heart.”

Even people who aren’t attending the event, have stopped to drop off money at the front door.

“By far it’s an impressive community,” said Brown.

“When it comes to community spirit and giving to help others it’s very, very generous.”

Meeting the family last week for the first time, Brown said they are a “sweet, humble family and we hope to show them that the community of Cobourg and area is standing with them in their fight.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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