Challenging Investigation Completed At Scene Of Explosion In Colborne

In Editor Choice, Local

The “challenging” investigation continues into the cause of an explosion at a Colborne gas station.

Cramahe Fire Department were initially called to the Ultramar gas station on May 23, 2019 at approximately 7:10 a.m. after the attendant called 9-1-1 stating there was an explosion and fire.

Interim Fire Chief Tim Burgess said the fire was extinguished quickly, but because of the explosion the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office was called to investigate.

Since then, the gas station located at Big Apple Drive and County Road 25 has been cordoned off.

OFM Investigator Christiaan ter Stege the explosion caused drywall to be displaced along with framing.

“Even though we don’t have ejection of the structure itself, we still have indications there was an explosive event.”

The attendant stated to Today’s Northumberland there was a gas furnace and electrical panel in the basement.

“There are multiple sources of fuel vapours that we need to test,” stated ter Stege.

“It’s definitely one of the challenges because we have multiple sources, whether it be natural gas, methane from the septic system and then obviously diesel and petroleum products as well as items that were stored within the station itself such as fuel cleaners additives etc.”

“It’s been challenging to say the least.”

Investigators also took a number of soil samples behind the gas station in an area of dry grass.

Ter Stege said members of the Cramahe Fire Department have been very helpful.

“They’ve been very supportive and have been assisting with equipment and manpower.”

An engineer with the Office of the Fire Marshal along with Ter Stege and a TSSA investigator are expected to be complete at the scene on Friday, May 24, 2019.

It’s anticipated that after the investigation is complete at the scene, the gas station will remain closed for “quite some time.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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