Standing Room Only At Cobourg Mayor’s Levee

In City Hall, Local, Photo Gallery

The 2019 Mayor’s Levee in Victoria Hall was one of the most well attended in recent years.
It was standing room only in the Concert Hall while members of the Concert Band of Cobourg entertained guests and Mayor John Henderson along with members of Council welcomed guests on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 starting at 2 p.m.
Henderson first acknowledged the “long and respected history of First Nations and Metis Peoples in Ontario.”
Town Crier Mandy Robinson officially “rang” in the New Year to start the occasion, followed by Manager of the Planning Department Rob Franklin, who proudly plays the Honourable James Cockburn.
After Ted Amsden gave his final reading as Poet Laureate for the Town of Cobourg, Amsden was presented with a token of appreciation by Henderson for the last six years serving the community.
“He has enriched us all with his presence and words of wisdom,” said Henderson.
After introducing members of council and their spouses, Henderson spoke about the celebatory moments for 2018 in his speech (below).

Legislative Services
Our Civic Web portal has had over 121 000 views such as Council meetings, agendas, by-laws to name a few. Our Civic Web will continue to grow as we engage the public as demonstrated in the recent Cannabis Legislation Town Survey. In just two weeks, we had 2 036 responses.
When you call us, we will continue to provide personal service by allowing you to speak to one of our enthusiastic staff members, not an automated system.

With our enhanced website design and interactive media strategy, the Town was the recipient of a Gold Award in the prestigious Hermes Creative Award. We were one of only eight municipalities to win this award in Ontario.
The town implemented an intranet program for Town employees to enhance internal communications

Waterfront Operations
The Cobourg marina was a recipient of a 5 Green Leaf Anchor in meeting the highest environmental standards within the Clean Marine Program. Only three Ontario municipalities, including Cobourg have ever achieved a 5 Star rating on their first assessment-congratulations to the marina staff.
Ove 5 700 campers occupied the campground and over 7 000 boaters arrived in our marina allowing both our sites to be self-sustaining.

The Town of Cobourg was awarded the National Communities in Bloom 5 Stars within the 15 000 -50 000 category. Having our own greenhouse certainly sets us apart from many similar-sized municipalities. The poinsettias are just another example.
Cobourg developed its vey first Urban Forestry Plan and our goal is to enhance the tree canopy from 27% to 35%. Just this year 150 new trees were planted.

Environmental Services
Ranked as the first facility in Canada to replace chlorine with ozone to disinfect wastewater effluent. Saving approximately $50 OOO – 80 000 annually.
Plant #1 converted from Surface Aerators to diffused air and are saving about $100 000 annually. This is due to a partnership with the federal-provincial government in allowing the Town of Cobourg to maintain its high standards with a reduction in energy costs.

Fire Department
In working with the Ontario Association of Chiefs, Cobourg spearheaded the implementation of Highway 401 distance makers to further enhance emergency response times throughout Northumberland County.
Our firefighters also performed 518 fire prevention activities such as inspections, consultations and public educational campaigns. A stellar performance when you consider they also participated in 233 training exercises for driver training, water training including search and rescue.

Economic Development
To date, we have partnered with Community Futures Development Corporation, Fleming College, Northumberland Manufacturing Association, Northumberland Makers and the Cobourg Police Service: Business Division. Recently Sky-Solar was awarded a $2 million dollar Federal grant for twelve solar/battery sites of which six are located in Cobourg.
During the Cobourg Police Service Chief’ s Pitch Contest a young entrepreneur won by introducing Claxon, a personal security device that now will move to the prototype stage. The Cobourg Police Service Business division has expanded by its business stations enabling us to meet the needs of Ontario organizations as well as meeting new opportunities across Canada.
Northumberland Makers promoting STEM (Science- Technology- Engineering- Mathematics) classes for our youth. Imagine studying Robotics or learning about 3-Dimensional Design. Please remember that Venture 13 will celebrate its first anniversary this coming May. I encourage you to visit and read about the many innovative initiatives, including Blackfly. George Jetson and his futuristic family would be ecstatic about his visit to Cobourg

Community Services
Armistice 18
It was stated in MacLean’s magazine Editorial “Breaking Faith” that the little Town of Cobourg has truly led by example by properly appreciating and respecting Canada’s history. Congratulations to the Armistice organizing committee who went beyond by organizing the most comprehensive commemoration of WW1 Armistice 18 in Canada. It all started with the grand opening of Words, Images & Song with the Elora Singers to Charles Pachter’s Artistic flair on display in the Art Gallery of Northumberland to Hugh Brewster’s: Last Day: Last Hour (the trial of General Currie reenacted within our very own Court room in Victoria Hall) to Stephen Massicotte’s play involving Northumberland Players in Mary’s Wedding and Stars on Her Shoulder: personal moments reflecting the outcomes of war to our speaker’s series with Jack Granastein, Tim Cook and Charlotte Gray, all recognized Canadian historians to the discovery of William Rider-Rider’s Panoramic Photographs depicting the scourge of war. All of these moments were captured in the Vimy Foundation legacy project, depicted in a book called “They Fought in Colour “to enable us to tell the stories of those brave men/women who fought so valiantly to protect our freedom and our democracy. It is my hope that you will join me in sharing their legacy with your children and grandchildren.

Williams Treaties First Nation
On September 13th Canada, Ontario and the Williams Treaties Nations comprised of Alderville, Beausoleil, Chippewas of Georgina Island, Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and the Mississauga’s of Scugog Island First Nation achieved a negotiated settlement. This historical agreement advances conciliation that respects the rights and interests of the Williams Treaties First Nations for future generations and all Canadians.
Congratulations to Chief Bob Marsden, Alderville First Nation for being acclaimed as one of the four Regional Deputy Grand Council Chiefs representing the ANISHINABEK NATION.

As we celebrate the beginning of a New Year, I’d like to read a quote from Vince Lombardi, the legendary NFL coach of the Green Bay Packers, “The achievement of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.”

I hope that the citizens can appreciate this is only a snippet of the many accomplishments achieved by this past Council in working collaboratively with CAO Peacock, senior staff, town employees and our multiple community partners. As your mayor, I am confident that this new Council will continue this progressive trend for the betterment of the Cobourg community.

In closing, I’d like to recognize the efforts of the following individuals/groups in making the Town of Cobourg Levee such a special occasion:
Paul Storms and The Concert Band of Cobourg for filling our concert hall with magical musical tones
Weston Bakeries for providing our traditional fruit cake
To our caterer, Dutch Oven
To our Town of Cobourg employees for arranging this special event: Sally LeBlanc/her team, Concert Hall Staff and Toni Galea/Legislative Services staff
And our hosts, the Victoria Hall Volunteers: Anne Wilson, Barbara Jean Taylor, Sarah Holland, Sue Vivian, Barbara Tait, Janette Johnston and Fran Richardson who are stewards of this national historical site
Please remember that your family and friends are cordially invited to join us tonight at the Rotary Harbourfont Park at 6 p.m. with ice-skating, horse drawn carriage rides, purchasing hot chocolate from Millstone Bread and strolling by the 180 000 lights from Xmas magic with fireworks at 9 p.m. sharp.

Thank you for being with us today and wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year!

John Henderson, Mayor, Town of Cobourg

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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