Northumberland OPP – Weekly News Brief

In Police Blotter

The Northumberland Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) dealt with 144 incidents this past week, here are some examples:

December 17
· Police investigated four separate domestic disputes within the County on this day. They occurred in Cramahe Township, Alnwick-Haldimand Township, Municipality of Brighton and the Municipality of Trent Hills. All the disputes were found to verbal only and no criminal charges were laid.
· An 18 year old male from Mississauga, Ontario was charged under the Highway Traffic Act for Race a Motor Vehicle after the van he was driving was measured travelling 162 km/h on Highway 401 in the Municipality of Port Hope. The male was issued an immediate seven day licence suspension and the vehicle he was driving was towed and impounded for seven days. He is scheduled to appear at court in Cobourg on February 6, 2019.
· Police continue to investigate a shop lifting incident that occurred in Cramahe Township at approximately 7:00 pm. A female left a local store without paying for items she had placed into a bag.*

December 18
· A resident from Brighton reported to police that she was a victim to a fraud. She received a phone call from a male stating that her bank account had been compromised, and in order to fix the issue and have the funds returned to her account she needed to purchase $1500 worth of iTunes cards and Google Play cards. The serial and pin numbers were given to the male caller who then advised that the funds would be deposited into her account the following day. The female realized it was a fraud then called police. She was advised to contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre 1-888-495-8501.*
· A delivery service supervisor notified police that his drivers had been threatened if they attempted to deliver packages to an individual’s residence. As a result of the investigation 33 year-old Travis MACNEIL from the Municipality of Trent Hills was arrested and charged under the Criminal Code of Canada with Utter Threats to Cause death or Bodily Harm. The accused was released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on January 23, 2019.
· Shortly before 5:00 pm, officers assisted the local fire department block westbound traffic on Highway 401 near Lyle Street in Alnwick- Haldimand Township, after reports were received of a vehicle fully engulfed in flames on the right shoulder. No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is unknown. The vehicle was towed and no damage to the highway was observed.
· Officers attended an apartment complex in the town of Brighton just after 6:00 pm to speak to a resident who was upset over the person who resides in the above apartment having two dogs making continuous noise on the hardwood floors. Police directed her to contact the superintendent or landlord regarding the issue.

December 19
· A resident who lives on Beach Drive in Cramahe Township called police after returning home from vacation and noticing several items missing from his garage. Items reported stolen included a hockey bag that contained a full set of hockey gear and Graf ice skates, a ski bag, skis and boots as well as a tackle box full of various tackle. Investigation ongoing.*
· Police received information just before 10:30 pm that two cows were impeding with traffic on Telephone Road near Scriver Road in the Municipality of Brighton. The owner was located and officers assisted in corralling the cows back their property without incident.

Officers also investigated 9 accidental 911 calls/alarms, 11 motor vehicle collisions; 20 traffic related complaints and conducted 17 RIDE programs during this time period.

*Northumberland OPP is asking for the public’s assistance with these ongoing investigations and would ask that anyone with information on these crimes call their nearest OPP detachment. If you have information about suspected unlawful activity, please visit Crime Stoppers at: or call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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