Two CN Buildings Destroyed After Suspicious Fire In Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Local

The Ontario Fire Marshal’s office has been called after two buildings were destroyed on CN property.
Cobourg firefighters were called at 1:46 a.m. on Sunday, October 28, 2018 to 649 George Street North.
“I saw a glow, looked out the window and saw it engulfed,” said George Street North resident Laurie Latchford who lives north of fire.
“The first building was on fire and about five minutes later the second building was on fire.”
Latchford said when he saw the fire initially the flames were coming out the bay door.”
Captain Scott MacDonald said when crews got on scene a large building was fully engulfed with flames coming out the front door and roof area.
A second building several metres to the south was well involved with heavy smoke, but flames weren’t visible when crews first arrived on scene. Moments later it was engulfed in flames.
“Both were intense fires,” said MacDonald.
“There were several small explosions from the north building when we arrived. There was a hydro line that supplied the building that burnt off when we pulled the truck up.”
“The steel clad siding and roof has definitely hindered our operations.”
Both fires were to intense to have interior attacks, but when the fires were knocked down, crews entered the building to the south to extinguish the fire in the roof area.
MacDonald said both fires are suspicious and the Ontario Fire Marshal’s office has been called in to investigate.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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