Victim Of Break-In So Frustrated By Cobourg Police She Will No Longer Call Them

In Editor Choice, Local

A Cobourg woman said she is so frustrated by Cobourg Police after a break-in she will no longer call them.
A downtown business was broken into in the early morning hours of September 24.
Cobourg Police were called after an alarm was triggered, but there was no sign of the suspect.
Video surveillance obtained by Today’s Northumberland clearly shows the suspect freely roaming the business looking for valuables.
The video along with a video of a person who was in the store the next day was given to police, but so far there is no indication there has been an arrest.
There are identifiable features on the suspect from the video of the break-in that appears to match the suspect who entered the store during the daytime.
Over the weekend, the woman was informed by an employee who had watched the video, that the suspect was at the Harvest Festival in downtown Cobourg at the chili-fest located on Second Street at approximately 5 p.m.
“I called police (Owen Sound dispatch) and said I just want you to know that the person that you’re looking for is down at the chili-fest.”
The dispatcher told the woman, “we have a priority call” and police could not attend.
Reiterating to the dispatcher that police have video of the suspect in the store and he may be a suspect in other break-ins in the downtown area she stated, “you have a priority call better than that?” and she hung up.
“I haven’t heard anything from the police at all.”
The woman stated she’s even found out where the suspect is living, but he has yet to be arrested as far as she is aware.
“I’ve gave them the video, I’ve gave them his name and when I took the stills into the police station the officers smiled and said “we know him.”
The next day the suspect had the audacity to go in the business.
“It’s all these things that I’m now taking care of myself. If there is a theft – I don’t even call the police. They do not do anything. It’s really frustrating.”
A weekly media release issued on October 1, 2018 stated, “A business in the downtown core was broken into and the contents of the cash register were stolen. The investigation is ongoing.”
But the release issued wasn’t her break-in as there was no cash in the register. The suspect took other items.
When Today’s Northumberland informed Cobourg Police Chief Kai Liu about the situation said stated he will be looking into the matter.

Note:Today’s Northumberland has learned there were two officers working the overnight shift this weekend in Cobourg.

Original story

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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