Investigating Origin of House Fire – Bewdley

In Editor Choice, News

Steve Klimpel who works for Origin and Cause was on scene of the house fire on Cavan Road on Saturday, March 30, 2018 looking for a cause.

Origin and Cause is a nationwide company which has a specialized team of investigators working to determine causes of fires.  Klimpel was working for the insurance company to determine a cause of the fire in Bewdley.

Klimpel has conducted over 147 fire and explosion scenes and his professional experience includes over 10 years with the Office of the Fire Marshal, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, along with an extensive experience in automotive repair and inspections.  Working with members of the Hamilton Township Fire Department, Klimpel, on his hands and knees carefully sifted through the debris left behind by the devastating fire.

Finding the pieces of the puzzle, Klimpel dug through the debris finding an electrical outlet, and various wires.

It’s believed the fire started in the area of the 2017 atv that was beside the house.  The fire quickly engulfed the rear of the home and spread into the roof.

Looking at the scene, firefighters said one side of the atv had more fuel load to burn then the other and you could visually see the difference between the two sides.  One side had partial rubber left on the atv, while the other side were completely gone because there was more fire load and intense heat with the walls of the home catching fire.

The homeowner was inside the residence at the time of the fire and may have been alerted to the fire when one of the tires exploded.  She quickly discovered the fire, immediately called 9-1-1 and escaped the blaze.  Hamilton Township firefighters were on scene quickly and rescued a cat inside the home.  Port Hope firefighters also assisted in extinguishing the blaze.


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Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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