Notice of Tree Clearing Contract for Midtown Creek Ponding Area

In Community, Local, News

(Issued March 26, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. EST) – The Town of Cobourg would like to advise citizens that a necessary vegetation excavation of the Midtown Creek Ponding Area will be taking place today in accordance with the Environmental Assessment and Detailed Design study.

The Midtown Creek Ponding Area is located north of the Kerr Street road allowance, west of Division Street and southeast of the Canada Pallet/CNR spur line. Excavation of soil from the site will increase the ponding of water and thereby further increase flood protection. Construction of this section of Kerr Street will create overbank ponding along Midtown Creek, upstream of the roadway that will protect existing structures in the floodplain between the proposed Kerr Street extension and the existing railway corridor to the south.

Due to the necessary excavation of the site to create a large ponding area, all vegetation will potentially be removed in accordance with the attached figure. In consideration of the significant loss of canopy cover, the Town is taking a proactive approach to quantifying the tree loss and qualifying a plan to offset or mitigate the loss. Revegetation of the creek and ponding area will be based on the recommendations of various consultants who have been retained for this project including D.M.Wills Associates Ltd. and Treescape.Tree Care Professional Ltd.

The site has had a ‘Terrestrial Ecology Study’ completed by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA). This study looked at vegetation communities on the site and within these areas, a listing of species were provided including: mammals; birds; butterflies; and, plants (trees/herbaceous plants). It should be noted that no significant species were identified on the Site.

In accordance with the Town of Cobourg By-law 020-2006, it desirable to regulate and prohibit the injury or destruction of trees within the Town. Since the works are being conducted by the Municipality, the Town is exempt from the By-law as per section 4.1a. In accordance with the County of Northumberland Forest Conservation By-Law 2015-27, this project does not require a permit as it qualifies under Section 3 (1) c where activities undertaken by a Municipality are exempt.

As part of the detailed design of the ponding area, planting plans are required for riparian buffer vegetation, and incorporating the flood storage ponding design with a stream design that restores, and accommodates the fluvial geomorphic dynamics of Midtown Creek.

A tree inventory has recently been completed to be used as a basis for the replanting plans. The Council approved tree clearing contract is expected to commence today (Monday March 26, 2018) and, as outlined in the Migratory Birds Act, the work is expected to be completed by April 27th, 2018.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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