Hot, Humid Day for Battling Trailer Fire Carrying Straw on Highway 401 in Port Hope

In Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery

Firefighters spent most of the day working on extinguishing a trailer carrying straw on Highway 401 west of Port Hope.

At approximately 10:40 a.m. Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched to a trailer carrying straw that had caught fire in the westbound lanes of Highway 401, just east of East Townline Road.

When first crews arrived on scene the trailer was fully involved.

Approximately 50 firefighters from Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services, Clarington Fire Department and Hamilton Township Fire Department were involved.

Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services Fire Chief Jeff Ogden said where the fire was located on the Highway meant tanker trucks had to shuttle water to the scene.

“It’s frustrating because we’re on the 401 and there isn’t an adequate water source nearby.”

Along with water, with the straw packed so tightly, “it’s very time consuming because you have to break it all about.”

With the humidex reaching temperatures in the 30’s, “Ogden added that, “it’s very taxing on the firefighters.”

Ogden said there are many different first responders working together at incidents like this and he’s extremely grateful for the assistance of Northumberland OPP, MTO, Chadwick’s Towing and Northumberland County EMS (Paramedics) for remaining at the scene while firefighters extinguished the fire.

Chadwick’s Towing was brought in to tear about the straw and place it into bins.

At 4 p.m. crews were still working on extinguishing and cleaning up the area and there is still only one lane of traffic in the westbound lanes near the incident.

Ogden said it would be approximately two more hours before the scene is cleared.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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