HKPR District Health Unit Issues Further Details for Initial Vaccinations

In Local

By Cecilia Namith/Today’s Northumberland

The Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit has issued a press release with further details on how those aged 80 and older can book COVID-19 vaccinations that will begin for that age group next week.

It was previously reported that Northumberland County residents aged 80 and up who do have a family doctor will get a call to book a vaccination appointment.

In fact, the bulletin said, “only Northumberland County residents who have a local primary health care provider and are 80 years of age and over as of March 1 will receive a call to book a vaccination appointment.”

It goes on to state that Northumberland residents with birthdays between March 1 and Dec. 31, 1941, will have to book an appointment through the provincial booking system that goes live on Monday.

Northumberland residents born in 1941 or earlier who do not currently have a local primary health-care provider (or who do not have a primary health-care provider in Northumberland County) can also use the provincial booking system to arrange an appointment.

The provincial system offers an on-line platform to book an appointment, but there will also be a phone-in option for those who are unable to book a spot on-line.

The province will be sharing information on the url and phone number for the provincial booking system this weekend, with details to be added to the HKPRDHU website:

The health unit offered apologies for any confusion this error may have caused.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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