Port Hope Police – Port Hope Man Facing Multiple Firearm Related Charges

In Police Blotter

A 30 year old male from Port Hope is facing multiple firearm related offences.

Port Hope Police received information that James Bryant, age 30 had threatened his superintendent bodily harm if he was to evict Bryant.

As a result the Criminal Investigations Bureau authored a warrant for the residence.

At 2:35 pm on Wednesday March 3, 2021, uniform patrol observed Bryant exit his residence, at which time he was quickly arrested without incident.

The Criminal Investigations Bureau located multiple restricted and non restricted firearms laying around the apartment.

Although Bryant was authorized to have the weapons they were not properly secured.

As a result James Bryant is charged with uttering threats to cause bodily harm, adult careless storage of a firearm x13, and two counts of unauthorized possession of a weapon, one being in possession of brass knuckles, and the second charge for having in his possession a expandable baton.

Bryant was released on an adult undertaking with conditions. He will appear in court on March 31, 2021 to answer to the charges.

If you have a crime to report please call 905-885-8123 extension #3, email phps@phps.on.ca, or call Crime Stoppers where your tip is always anonymous. 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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