Province Invests In Local Seniors

In Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Northumberland-Peterborough South MPP David Piccini announces an investment of $54,014.41 each to the Cobourg Seniors Activity Centre and Port Hope’s Ruth Clarke Activity Centre to help ensure local seniors stay safe and socially connected through virtual programs.

These might include virtual physical-fitness programming, on-line educational sessions on such issues as tax clinics and tech assistance, or interactive telephone-based group programming for socially isolated seniors and people with disability.

“These challenging times have created obstacles for seniors from having the quality of life they deserve,” Piccini stated in the announcement.

“That is why our government is investing over $108,000 in Seniors Active Living Centre programs. Local Seniors Active Living Centre programming will provide support for older adults and their well-being by keeping them active and socially connected within their own communities.”

“We know that social inclusion contributes to the overall well-being of an individual and is especially important in the promotion of healthy aging for seniors,” Port Hope Mayor Bob Sanderson added.

“We are grateful to the province for their commitment to our age-friendly community, particularly as we continue to modify our service delivery to offer programs and activities throughout the pandemic.”

“With the assistance of the Senior Active Living Fund, we are pleased to be able to continue to provide recreational programming to our 55+ membership while strengthening our on-line and virtual offerings,” Cobourg’s Deputy Director of Community Services Division Teresa Behan.

“As with every community, this past year presented many challenges, but we remain committed to providing programming that’s not only safe but promotes social connection for our members.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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