Editorial – 2020 – A Year of Resiliency

In Editorial, Local

Editorial – Looking over photos of the year, COVID was the main story, but seeing the photos and picking the ones that stood out, we may not have defeated COVID-19 as yet, but it certainly hasn’t defeated us.

We adapted.

Sure it was and is “different,” but vehicles driving by homes yelling “happy birthday” wasn’t really so bad. In fact, if we can be honest, some people actually enjoyed it. There sure was less to clean up with not having a party.

We always knew who our front line heroes were. But we also found out the “front lines” didn’t necessarily mean being at the scene of a fire, flood, or police emergency.

The “front lines” were also hospitals, grocery stores, and much more.

We found a new appreciation of people we took for granted.

2020 was a year of awakening.

Our communities, our families became closer.

Everyone has and is suffering from COVID fatigue.

Beaches closed, events cancelled.

But we are getting through it.

Vaccines are on the horizon.

It was a year of change and adapting.

Aside from COVID, there were many other stories Today’s Northumberland covered.

Rail traffic came to a halt in Tyendinaga for several days. The tension was palpable when both sides met on the tracks. Was anything solved? That has yet to be determined.

We rediscovered ourselves. Found new activities. Kayaking on Rice Lake as the summer sun set.

Heroes were always there protecting us, saving us. From stranded boaters, to raging fires – they were there for us.

The Coast Guard came to the rescue for one couple when due to COVID, Victoria Hall had to be closed down, but the Coast Guard allowed for the perfect setting for the wedding on their lawn overlooking Lake Ontario.

Even through COVID, when tragedy struck in a helicopter crash in April killing six Canadian Forces members, we were told not to gather on the Highway of Heroes – but we did.

Canadians wouldn’t let the families of the fallen down. Canadians came out and stood on the bridges as the procession passed. In no way would it take the pain away, but hopefully it let loved ones know our shoulders are there for them to lean on. Canadians are here for their families.

Protests continued throughout the year concerning COVID.

Certain individuals think Canada is becoming a police state.

When Victoria Beach was closed in Cobourg, small numbers of people went in along the east pier testing the authorities of law enforcement. A few received tickets.

A bear took up residence in Port Hope for a number of days.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry set up numerous traps in the area, but in the end, the bear feasted on bird feeders, then casually walked out of town never to be seen again – so far.

Two vehicles with diplomatic plates were seized for stunt driving, which means they were allegedly travelling 50 kph over the posted speed limit. And along Highway 401 that would mean in excess of 150 kph.

Today’s Northumberland discovered although the vehicles were supposed to be held for seven days as part of the charge, they were released early because of the diplomatic status.

Weather late in the year caused hydro lines to topple and even a barn to be destroyed. Thankfully and luckily there were no injuries and no major damage to houses. Primarily the damage was along the lakeshore in Hamilton Township and Alnwick/Haldimand Township.

A family of foxes in Brighton had photographers coming from across the province looking to grab a photo. Apparently they reside their each year underneath the clubhouse. Measures were taken this year to hopefully prevent the “guests from returning, but time will tell.

When COVID took so much from us during the year, the deaths of people involved in collisions was something that was simply unbearable.

Forty-three-year-old Kevin Higney was killed in a atv collision in Hamilton Township in August.

Jason King, 50, of Alnwick-Haldimand Township died in another atv collision in October in Cramahe Township.

John Rintoul, 67, of Cobourg, was killed in a motorcycle collision in Cramahe Township in October.

His wife, Sylvia who was also in the collision died on December 19.

Sixteen-year-old Chloe Wellman died on October 19 in Campbellford in a single vehicle collision.

And 12-year-old Cormac Kerin from Port Hope died in a collision in early December.

We offer our condolences to all friends and families during this time.

It’s been said that as long as people say their names they are never really gone. It’s up to the people that knew them and even the ones who didn’t to keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers – remember them. Not in how they died, but how they lived.

Today’s Northumberland would like to thank everyone for the support throughout this year.

It doesn’t matter if you live in a hamlet, town, or city. Simply put – we are family.

We can argue, disagree, squabble, but in the end we are Canadians.

Never forget it – be proud of it.

Let’s hope for a better year.

Even when it rains, the sun will come out – eventually.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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