Youth Arrested for Assault
On March 18, 2025, at around 12:30 p.m., police received a report of an assault which had occurred near a school in the Municipality of Trent Hills. Officers began an investigation into the incident involving minor injuries.
Through investigation, a 14-year-old, from the Municipality of Trent Hills, was arrested in relation to the incident and referred to an Extrajudicial Measures Program under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). They shall not be named under the provisions of the YCJA.
Colborne Man Charged with Assault Peace Officer, Resist Peace Officer, Intoxicated Public Place
On March 20, 2025, at approximately 12:30 a.m., an officer was patrolling Victoria Street in the Township of Cramahe, when they located an individual who was walking and believed to be connected to an earlier traffic complaint regarding an all-terrain vehicle.
The person was intox icated and attempted to assault an officer while resisting arrest.
As a result, John McGOURTY (age 24), from Colborne, has been charged with:
– Assault a Peace Officer
– Resist Peace Officer
– Being intoxicated in a public place.
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg at a future date.
Members of Northumberland OPP are committed to public safety, delivering proactive and innovative policing in partnership with our communities. Officers value your contribution to building safe communities.