Community Engagement and Education Initiatives Planned
At the Wednesday, February 26th Council meeting, Cobourg Council passed a motion to implement the licensing of Short-Term Rental Accommodations.
Short-Term Rental Accommodations (STRAs) are different from traditional accommodations as they usually occur in buildings used for residential purposes. STRAs offer a variety of benefits to travellers and homeowners. The intention of a licensing program is to create equal standards for all Short-Term Rental Accommodations, to educate and guide owners and renters, and to provide Municipal Law Enforcement staff with the necessary tools to ensure compliance of all regulatory legislation.
STRA Licencing System
A licencing system for STRA operators should consider balancing the benefits of STRAs while mitigating potential negative effects related to their operation. When approaching the development of a licensing system, the Town of Cobourg aimed to regulate STRAs in a manner that permits the continued operation of existing STRA’s and encourages responsible operation of all current and future properties.
The goal is to develop a licensing system that compliments Zoning By-law regulations, encourages operators to be accountable for the operation of their STRA, mitigates neighbourhood disturbances, and enhances the enforcement tools available to the Town to address non-compliant properties.
Managing Impact to Housing Stock
The Town of Cobourg ensured measures to mitigate potential impacts on the long-term housing stock within the municipality when establishing a licencing system for STRAs. A variety of solutions are being deployed including the categorization of STRAs that would see STRAs with minimal anticipated impact permitted on residential properties while STRAs operating as commercial businesses will be sustained within commercial or mixed-use areas.
Amendments to Zoning By-law
At the February 26 meeting, Council passed a by-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law to define and create provisions specific to short term rental accommodations. By-law No. 007-2025 was passed by Council to permit STRA use in select zones within the Town of Cobourg.
By-law No. 007-2025 outlines the approved uses of three classes of STRA’s which are permitted, in different zones across the Town. The By-law also includes parking requirements for STRA uses as well as home occupations and other accommodation uses.
Any person, incorporated group of persons or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of the Zoning By-law Amendment by filing with the Municipal Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Cobourg no later than March 24, 2025 a Notice of Appeal setting out the reasons for the appeal, together with the prescribed fee of $400 or $1,100.00 for each appeal made payable to the ‘Minister of Finance’ depending on status.
Next Steps
Staff are currently completing the application forms and developing informational materials for STRA operators and residents. Following the completion of the application process, staff will initiate information and educational initiatives including hosting virtual webinars to educate the community on the licensing program.
The Short-Term Rental Accommodation By-law will come into force and effect on April 1, 2025. The Town of Cobourg would like to have all STRA’s within the Town of Cobourg licensed by June 1, 2025. For questions about the STRA licensing program, please contact Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing staff at
T: 905-372-8380