City of Belleville Accepting Applications for Community Gardens

In Local, Upcoming Events

The City of Belleville is now accepting applications for this year’s Community Gardens Program.

Established in 2012 by the City of Belleville’s Green Task Force, the Community Gardens Program provides successful applicants with a plot at one of three City-run gardens to make their own during the gardening season. Gardens are currently located at Ponton Park (251 Dundas St. West), West Hill (41 Octavia St.) and Bayview Heights (75 Bay Dr.).

Applications are open until Feb. 26 and garden plots will be awarded through a lottery draw soon after. Please note that previous community gardeners are required to re-apply each year. Applicants must be City of Belleville residents and the waiver form should be read in its entirety before completing an application.

For information and to apply online, visit Those unable to apply online can email to get a paper copy or call 613-967-3200, ext. 3219 to apply over the phone.

“We are looking forward to another fantastic year of the Community Gardens Program,” said Sustainability Coordinator Amanda Azzopardi. “I would encourage anyone who has an interest in gardening or growing their own food but hasn’t had access to the space or land to do so, to consider applying.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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