Municipality of Port Hope – Planning Update: 5666 Ganaraska Road

In City Hall, Local


Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of The Municipality of Port Hope intends to consider a By-law under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove the “H4” and “H5” – Holding provisions. The request is scheduled to go before the Council at a future meeting in conjunction with the Site Plan Approval and Agreement.

The subject lands contain a farm building and are located north of Ganaraska Road and west of Stone House Road. They are municipally known as 5666 Ganaraska Road (see subject lands map) in the Municipality of Port Hope (Application ZB07-2024).

The subject lands are zoned Rural, Oak Ridges Moraine- Rural ‘ORM-RU’, Oak Ridges Moraine- Core ‘ORM-C’, Oak Ridges Moraine – Environmental Protection ‘ORM-EP’ and Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Review (H4) by the Municipality of Port Hope’s Zoning By-law 20/2010, as amended. As set out in the Zoning By-law, lands remain under the Holding (H4 and H5) provisions until an appropriate Site Plan Agreement has been executed and once an appropriate Natural Heritage Evaluation and Hydrological Evaluation are completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the appropriate Conservation Authority, in accordance with the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.

An application for Site Plan approval has been received from the owner Robert Armstrong. An Environmental Impact Assessment was submitted in support of the application; a Hydrological Assessment was deemed not necessary. The Site Plan Application is expected to be approved within the near future, at which time all requirements to lift the Holding Provisions will have been met. The removal of the Holding provisions and site plan approval will allow for the conversion of the existing agriculture building into a single detached dwelling, construction of a hay/storage building and another agricultural structure.

Any person may make a request to the Clerk to appear as a delegation before Council and/or may make written submissions to the Clerk either in support of, or in opposition to, the removal of the Holding (H4 and H5) provisions. Additional information relating to the By-law is available for review, by appointment, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Development Team Office at 5 Mill Street South, Port Hope.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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