City of Kawartha Lakes OPP – Three Impaired Drivers Charged within Five Hours (Names Released)

In Police Blotter

On July 12th, 2024, Members from the City of Kawartha Lakes Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) arrested 3 impaired drivers within 5 hours.

At approximately 7:30p.m, Officers conducted a traffic stop at Warner Gate Street and O’Neill Street in Lindsay, for a vehicle that was driving erratically.  Through investigation the Officer arrested and charged the driver Sean McLellan, 39 years old from Janetville with

–         Operation while impaired- blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

–         Driver fail to surrender licence

At approximately 10:00p.m, Officers located a vehicle on West Street South in Fenelon Falls without proper headlights.  Officers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and through investigation found the driver, Francois Belanger, 58 years old from Fenelon Falls to be impaired.

Francois Belanger was arrested and charged with

–         Operation while impaired-blood alcohol concentration ( 80plus)

–         Drive without proper headlights- motor vehicle

At approximately 11:00p.m, Officers responded to a call for a possible impaired driver in Fenelon Falls. Officers arrived on scene and located the vehicle, stationary in a parking lot with music playing and a male occupant sitting in the driver’s seat. Through investigation, Bradley Pataky, 48 years old, from Peterborough, was arrested and charged with

–         Operation while impaired-blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

–         Operation while impaired- alcohol and drugs

–         Drive vehicle or boat with cannabis readily available

–         Driving motor vehicle with liquor readily available.

All three drivers received a 90-day licence suspension, and the motor vehicle was impounded for 7 days.

They were released from custody with conditions and have will appear in court at a future date.


Drivers are reminded that no amount of alcohol or drugs in your system is safe when driving. The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education . Arrive alive, drive sober.

The City of Kawartha Lakes OPP values your contribution to building safe communities. If you have information about suspected unlawful activity, please visit Crime Stoppers at: or call 1-800-222-8477

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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