2024 Transport Truck Collisions Point to Both Non-Commerical and Commerical Drivers

In Police Blotter

With almost 20 per cent of fatal collisions in Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) jurisdictions involving transport trucks this year, the data paints a grim picture of how commercial and non-commercial drivers have been sharing the road.

Thirty-one (31) people have died in road incidents. Eighty-six (86) per cent of the crashes were linked to poor behaviours on the part of non-commercial drivers. Commercial drivers were at-fault in the remaining 14 per cent of the collisions. Speeding, following too closely and improper passing are among the unsafe actions behind transport truck-involved collisions every year.

The OPP and its valued partner, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), are joining police services throughout North America for Operation Safe Driver Week. During the traffic enforcement and education initiative, officers will be on the lookout for commercial and non-commercial vehicle drivers engaging in risky behaviours. The OPP and MTO will also ensure commercial drivers are keeping their trucks, equipment, loads and records up to the standards required by law, which also contribute to the safe movement of commercial vehicles on our roads.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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