Video – How A Family of Robins Can Brighten a Day

In Community, Local

This may not be something that interests everyone, so if it doesn’t, and frankly, if it bores people – my apologizes.

A family of robins set up their nest outside my house a few weeks ago.

Birds, robins, come and go so to speak, but when the nest is right outside your door it’s pretty hard to avoid.

Like anyone, I was curious, but tried not to interfere. Though coming out of the house at night, it was startling to hear the mom suddenly fly away just inches from where I was standing.

Nevertheless, the family of four hatched and the interest grew.

As newborns, some may call them “cute” while other people may not see that side.

But as the days went by it was interesting seeing them grow quickly.

The mother would usually keep her distance until she was comfortable with the camera being about seven-metres away.

Towards the end of their stay, the four babies seemed extremely crowded in their nest, but mother still kept coming to feed them.

Then one day, as I walked out in the morning they were gone – the nest was empty.

With all the things going wrong in the world, it was nice to see a bit of success with all four having survived and “flown the coop.”

For a day or so after you could hear them chirping in the trees, but that has also been silenced.

For roughly a week, it was nice just to cover something that wasn’t political, didn’t involve hate or which side you were on – it was just to walk out the door everyday, look to the right, and see the robins.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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