Editorial – Transparency Is What’s Need in Cobourg

In Editor Choice

There is something seriously suspicious about what is happening in Cobourg.

Today’s Northumberland was made aware of an incident where the husband of a former town employee was charged with uttering threats.

The incident may have involved a hotel along the lake in Cobourg.

Cobourg Police issued a press release in March stating a 56-year-old Bowmanville man is facing charges after police investigate a report of uttering threats.

On March 20, 2024, the Cobourg Police Service received a report of uttered threats. The complainant reported that they received voice and text messages from an acquaintance, including utterances to cause bodily harm.

As a result of the police investigation, a 56-year-old Bowmanville man was arrested and charged with uttering threats.

The accused was released on an undertaking with conditions and a future court date.

Shortly after the incident, the employee no longer worked for the Town of Cobourg.

A high ranking official with the Town of Cobourg is believed to have been the complainant.

Today’s Northumberland has looked into the matter, but it seems Town staff have put a tight lid on the matter.

Reaching out to CAO Tracey Vaughan for comment about the individual she stated in a e-mail, “unfortunately I am unable to comment on the individual that you referenced.”

Since there were no names listed on the press release by the Cobourg Police, Today’s Northumberland asked for a occurrence number.

But a short time later, police would not give the occurrence number leading to more speculation.

Hard to believe that a person’s name who is charged with the theft of a shopping cart is released, but not this – especially when it may involve senior town officials.

With the incident apparently involving a number of senior town officials, why is the town being so tight-lipped about the matter?

Why is it so hard to get the name of the person charged?

Is something being swept under the rug?

There are so many questions and so few answers coming from the town and police.

Mayor Lucas Cleveland said during his election and has continued on that he is one who supports transparency.

If that is the case – we hope to hear from him.


If anyone has information regarding the incident please reach out to Today’s Northumberland at pfisher@eagle.ca

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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