Families Asked to Take Part in Survey to Help Five Counties Improve Its Services

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A local children’s treatment centre is launching a new survey asking for input into how well it supports families and where it can improve in the future.

Between now and March 31, 2024, Five Counties Children’s Centre is encouraging families to take part in its new Client and Family Experience Survey. The confidential survey takes less than
five minutes to complete. It’s geared to current and former Five Counties clients, parents, caregivers and families in the City of Kawartha Lakes and counties of Peterborough, Northumberland, and Haliburton.

The survey asks respondents what programs they’ve used at Five Counties, their satisfaction with these services, and their suggestions for improvement. Anyone completing the survey can provide
their name to be entered in a draw to win one of three $25 grocery store gift cards. Full details about the survey are available at www.fivecounties.on.ca/yoursay/.

“Families are at the core of what we do,” says Darlene Callan, Director of Clinical Services at Five Counties. “Regularly engaging with and encouraging the input of parents and caregivers can help
us better support kids while improving our overall services for families.”

While Five Counties typically does a client satisfaction survey every other year, seeking parent input is part of an ongoing conversation. “We pride ourselves on having the very best of pediatric
therapists, but it really is a partnership with the family to see a child succeed,” Callan notes.

While Five Counties staff work with kids and youth to support their communication, physical and developmental needs, treatment sessions are typically less than an hour each week for defined
periods of time. As parents spend the most waking hours with their child, their role in following through with treatment tips is important to help their child reach their full potential.

“Our role as clinicians is to educate, demonstrate and collaborate with the parent or caregiver so they feel confident and well-equipped to go home and support their child,” Callan notes.
Getting family input through the client experience survey provides “a snapshot in time” that tells Five Counties how well it is doing right now, Callan adds. “We encourage parents to take part, as
their input will help us to improve and better support families to work with their child at home.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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