Two Port-A-Potties Located Outside Perfectly Good Washrooms Costing Taxpayers Thousands

In Local

Two port-a-potties outside the Albert Street Washroom facilities are costing taxpayers thousands of dollars.

Ironically a year ago the name of the Albert Street Transit Shelter was changed to the Albert Street Washroom which is located beside Rotary Harbourfront Park, commonly known as the Frink due to it being used as a fountain in the summer and skating rink in the winter.

The building/washrooms were closed after 31 incidents between November 3 and December 10, 2023 (including one officer assault), three occasions when the building had to be closed for safety issues, and the fact that bylaw enforcement officers are summoned to the site several times a day.

Statistics from the Cobourg Police service record 86 calls to the building in 2020, 153 in 2021, and 217 in 2022 (as of Dec.12). Reasons for these calls included mischief, theft and noise complaints.

The building was closed in early January 2023 and portable washrooms were installed outside the facility.

The budget this year for portable washrooms for the Town of Cobourg is estimated at $40,000 for 2024.

Director of Community Services Brian Geert wouldn’t state specifically the cost of the two units on Albert Street.

“I can’t release unit rates for products based on the purchasing policy.”

Today’s Northumberland reached out to local port-a-potty companies and the cost for the year would be anywhere between $4,320 to $7,200 for the two units.

In 2022, port-a-potties cost the taxpayers $39,000.

Cobourg does have plans for 2024 to install a separate entrance for doors on the east side of the washroom facilities which would alleviate the need for the port-a-potties.



Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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