Town of Cobourg Responds to Unsafe Residential Tenant Buildings

In Local

Municipal Law Enforcement and the Cobourg Fire Department are working with the property owner.

On Monday, July 31, 2023, the Town of Cobourg Fire Department and Municipal Law Enforcement, with permission from the property owner, conducted an inspection of a residential tenant building on Major Street and two properties on John Street in the Town of Cobourg to evaluate fire and municipal by-law concerns.

As a result of the inspection on Major Street, the municipality has issued a Notice of Violation for zoning infractions and Cobourg Fire Department issued a notice under section 15 of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. Services and supports have been offered to tenants and community members who may be impacted.

At a residence on John Street, Cobourg Fire removed risks that posed an immediate threat to life.  Smoke Detectors were also replaced at each location.  A multi-agency inspection is planned in collaboration with the homeowner.

The Town of Cobourg Municipal Law Enforcement will continue to work with the owner to bring the building into compliance. Building tenants have been offered support and services through appropriate community agencies to ensure safety and health throughout the building.

“The Cobourg Fire Department continues to prioritize fire safety for the residents of Cobourg. We are working with the property owner to ensure all fire and life safety devices are installed and functioning properly.” – Ellard Beavan, Chief of Fire for the Town of Cobourg.

“Town of Cobourg’s approach to complex community safety concerns continues to be one based in collaboration, cooperation and support, while working within all appropriate governing legislation. This multi-agency effort is designed to support the health and safety of all members of our community.” Tracey Vaughan, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Cobourg

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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