Northumberland County’s First Responders Honoured for Life-Saving Service

In Community, Editor Choice, Local

Northumberland County first responders and survivors of cardiac arrest came together last evening for the seventh annual Survivor Night ceremony. Lightning Bolt Awards were presented to 51 emergency responders for their role in supporting the successful resuscitation of individuals suffering an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 2021.

Hosted by Northumberland County, Survivor Night is an opportunity for survivors and families to reconnect with first responders who attended their emergency. Survivors like Michael Tarrington, who was working in his garage when he developed a tightness and pain in his chest. Michael immediately called his wife Lori, who called 9-1-1. The Central Ambulance Communications Centre (CACC) coordinated the arrival of paramedics, who—in using specialized equipment to attend to Michael—assessed that he was having a heart attack.

Paramedics immediately started administering medical aid and began transporting Michael to the hospital for more specialized care. Enroute, Michael’s heart and breathing stopped. The crew began CPR and administered defibrillation. Michael’s heartbeat returned, and he was transferred to the hospital for further care.

Michael’s story of survival was one of ten moving stories shared last evening that reflected a Chain of Survival involving collaboration between emergency services and, in some cases, critical support from bystanders, that led to positive health outcomes.

“Survivor Night is an opportunity to honour our outstanding emergency services personnel who play a critical role in the health and safety of our community,” stated Northumberland County CAO Jennifer Moore. “The presentation of Lightening Bolt awards is in recognition of the life-saving care provided by recipients in highly stressful situations and of their exceptional commitment and selflessness in serving the public when we need them most.”

Northumberland Paramedics Chief Susan Brown reflected on the strength—and the impact – of the emergency services teams working on the front lines of our health care system. ““Each year, emergency services teams in Northumberland respond to tens of thousands of calls for help. The stories shared tonight are inspiring examples of the care and compassion these professionals demonstrate every time they are called upon to respond to a life-saving emergency.”

“We are incredibly fortunate to have these skilled and courageous women and men working in our community and caring for us in our critical hour of need. It is an honour to recognize the professionalism, expertise and compassion they strive to demonstrate every time they don their uniform.” stated County Deputy Warden Mandy Martin. “On behalf of County Council, I congratulate all of this year’s Lightning Bolt Award recipients who answered the call of duty, putting the needs of others above all else.

Photo (Left to Right): CACC dispatcher Nathan Roberts, paramedic Holly McCoy,  Survivor Michael Voscamp and CACC dispatcher Frazer Smith
Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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