Fun Times for Everyone Along the Ganaraska River in Port Hope

In Local, Weather

It seemed everyone was having a fun time along the Ganaraska River in Port Hope on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

Sure there were a number of anglers in the downtown area trying their best to land one of the salmon making their way up the river.

At times, even when the salmon was hooked they seemed to get the better of the anglers helper trying to land them along the banks of the river.

Sometimes even the salmon almost seemed to give up landing themselves along the shoreline of the river before quickly going back into the water where the chase was back on again.

Some people watching said it was almost like catching fish in a barrel, but it seemed more times than not, the salmon seemed to get the better of the anglers by snapping their line.

Once the salmon would break over a set of rapids, they almost looked like a torpedo in the water racing up to the next set of rapids before taking a break.

Other times, salmon seemed to almost head the rock-face of the rapids head-on, not knowing what was there.

But on this day it wasn’t only the anglers and salmon in the water.

A bird swimming by the anglers seem to swim better, and faster when it went underwater.

A bit upstream, a dog and its owner played fetch in the rapids just south of Walton Street in between a group of anglers.

Not sure whether the anglers appreciated it, but the dog looked like it was having fun.

And up the river a bit, a person seemed so enthralled with the salmon, that he took off his footwear and went into the river to pose for photos for a person on shore.

All the time the person was posing for photos, a nearby angler was also trying to land a salmon.

And a bit further up river it seemed a woman wasn’t happy with a person she may have been with.

The woman raised her voice several times and pointed her finger at the man. All the while, he kept calmly casting his line in the water waiting, or maybe hoping for a salmon to distract him.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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