Grafton Man Earns Top 4-H Ontario Arbor Award

In Community, Editor Choice, Local

It may have been delayed by two years due to COVID, but 4-H Ontario is proud to announce the recipients of the 2020 4-H Ontario Arbor Award, sponsored by Bayer Crop Science, a prestigious honour recognizing exemplary volunteer service with 4-H in Ontario and the community. In 2020, the following three volunteers were recognized:

John Fred Sharpe (Northumberland 4-H Association), Beth Meszaros (Durham East 4-H Association) and Barbara Ann Glaude (Stormont 4-H Association).

John Fred Sharpe
Fred Sharpe has been a Northumberland 4-H volunteer since 1984 and over the past 35 years, has led more than 87 clubs and assumed many leadership roles. As a life-long learner who continues to seek new challenges, Fred continues to participate in 4-H opportunities to learn, build relationships and maintain his passion. Noted by a fellow 4-H leader, “When it comes to 4-H, Fred is there; in Northumberland and beyond.”

Fred has fulfilled many roles within the Northumberland 4-H Association, including Secretary, Vice-President, President, Screening Coordinator, Newsletter Editor and presently, Association Representative, Region 3 Vice-President and Bingo Coordinator. As the Bingo Coordinator since 2013, Fred has raised $42,000 which has been used to dozens of member and leader opportunities, along with association and club expenses.

“Fred’s leadership style allows members to develop confidence. Our youngest Brian was afraid of using a saw and was very worried about going to his first woodworking meeting but came home ready and eager to return because Fred gave him the opportunity to be successful,” says Mary Catherine O’Neill, 4-H leader and parent.

Fred has also been part of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 580 for 31 years, over which time he has held many executive positions including Membership Chair, Ways and Means Chair, Bar Chair and Bingo Chair. In addition, Fred shares his expertise in building projects and plays a very important role in keeping the Legion open and in good repair.

Beth Meszaros
Beth Meszaros has been a 4-H leader since 1989 and over the past 30 years, has led many agriculture and life skills clubs and worn many hats within her association and region. She served as the Durham East 4-H President, in addition to treasurer on Region 3 board for many years.

Her 4-H story began as a member of the Tyrone 4-H club where her mother was a homemaking club leader and instilled in Beth, the successful work ethic she continues to share with others today. As a young leader, one of her challenges included organizing clubs in the south Oshawa area and she was able to recruit many new members from a very urban area who had no knowledge of 4-H or the opportunities that awaited them.

“Beth’s friendly personality, hands on approach to helping and her commitment to others has made 4-H in Durham East richer,” says Brenda Metcalf, Durham East 4-H Volunteer. “Many of her club members have taken their skills learned through 4-H and successfully applied them to achieve so much more than they knew they were capable of.” She brings enthusiasm and knowledge to all that she does and is committed to supporting the creation of a strong rural community.

Beth has also been a supporter and friend of the Orono Fair for 15 years. She has played an instrumental role in the creation of the General Store and the “Farm to Table” dinner event at the fair and shown great commitment to bridging the gap between urban and rural understanding of agriculture.

Barbara Ann Glaude
Barbara Ann Glaude has been a Stormont 4-H volunteer for 28 years where she has led many clubs including A Sporting Chance, Good Food Fast, Marketing, Wearable Art and more. She also currently serves as the Stormont 4-H Association webmaster and in the past, held the role of chairperson and treasurer at the regional level.

Barbara Ann graduated as a 4-H member with 45 projects and in addition to receiving many Stormont and Glengarry 4-H awards, she was also a repeat winner of the Grand Champion Show Person in Stormont.

Barbara Ann became a 4-H leader so her four children could benefit and enjoy the 4-H program the same as she did. Although she watched her children graduate from 4-H, she has remained active in Stormont 4-H and is looking forward to the 4-H experience evolving from generation to generation as her grandchildren begin their 4-H journey.

As a 4-H volunteer, Barbara Ann always keeps the club interesting and ensures to emphasize the 4-H motto: Learn To Do By Doing. “She was a seedling enriched by 4-H and has grown strong and for years has been enriching the lives of our youth and the community as a whole,” says Neil Robinson, Stormont 4-H Volunteer.

Barbara Ann has also been actively involved in the Stormont Agricultural Society and worn many hats within the organization, currently as secretary. She has not only dedicated many hours to the organization, but also continuously shares her gifts, talents, keen eye and expertise with others.

“4-H Ontario is proud to recognize these 4-H and community dedicated volunteers,” says Evelyn Chambers, Senior Manager, Volunteer & Community Engagement, 4-H Ontario. “Their dedication to 4-H and the boarder community is recognized, appreciated and valued. Thank you to each of the recipients for their outstanding contributions.”

Established in 2001 during the International Year of the Volunteer, the 4-H Ontario Arbor Award recognizes a select group of 4-H Ontario volunteers who have served the organization for over 10 years and have positively impacted 4-H and their local community. This is 4-H Ontario’s most prestigious volunteer award.

To be eligible to receive the award, 4-H Ontario volunteers must be nominated by their local 4-H Association.

Nominees must have shown significant leadership, initiative and made a positive impact on 4-H at various levels. In addition, nominees must have other involvement within their community or other volunteer organizations. The selection committee consists of representatives of 4-H Ontario, Bayer and previous Arbor Award winners.

“Bayer Crop Science and 4-H share a common goal of providing leadership and development opportunities for youth and helping them grow into future leaders,” said Trish Jordan, Government & Industry Affairs Business Partner, Bayer Crop Science. “We truly value our long-term relationship with 4-H at the provincial and national level and are thrilled to support the tireless dedication and significant contributions of its volunteers, who are instrumental to the 4-H program.”

The 2020 recipients will be honoured provincially at the 2021 4-H Ontario Arbor Award Banquet. A tree planting ceremony for each recipient will also be held once social distancing protocols are lifted to commemorate their outstanding contributions to the 4-H program and positive youth development within their community.

About 4-H Ontario
4-H Ontario is a non-profit positive youth development organization that builds youth as leaders within their communities and assets to the world. With roots in rural Ontario, today it is open to youth of all backgrounds across the province. 4-H youth ages 6–21 and screened, engaged volunteer leaders come together to learn about selected topics through fun hands-on activities and mentorship. There are also provincial camps, conferences, competitions and national and international travel opportunities available to further develop skills in leadership, business, self-confidence and more. 4-H provides youth with a place they can be involved, accepted, valued and heard while developing valuable skills for leadership and life.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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