Local Green Party Candidate Announced

In City Hall, Local, Provincial

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
The Green Party of Ontario is proud to announce that Brighton resident Lisa Francis has been nominated as its candidate for Northumberland—Peterborough South in the 2022 provincial election.

Originally from Quinte West, Francis is a community volunteer and outdoor and exercise enthusiast who has worked in the post-secondary education sector for the past 10 years.

“I’m running for the Ontario Greens to help support locally owned businesses to thrive through sustainable business practices that support our communities, our economy and the environment,” Francis said in the announcement.

Provincial Green Party leader Mike Schreiner praised Francis as a champion for local small businesses and an active community volunteer.

“She knows the needs of her neighbours, and will help her riding become more prosperous, sustainable and green,” Schreiner predicted.

Along with supporting small businesses, Francis believes that protecting, enhancing and increasing access to greenspace, and encouraging non-traditional voters to be part of the conversation is the way forward for a stronger, more sustainable Ontario.

“I’m excited to encourage people to vote, especially the younger generation and underrepresented groups, whose voices need to be heard,” she said.

“In order to successfully implement policy that works for everyone, we need to consult and engage them in the conversation.”

Francis joins Liberal candidate Jeff Kawzenuk in challenging incumbent MPP David Piccini.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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