The Cobourg Police Service (CPS) announced on Thursday, April 21, 2022 its 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan outlines five goals that provide direction to CPS in serving the residents of the Town of Cobourg over the next four years. The goals are Collaboration, Innovation, Operational Excellence, Our People, and Public Trust and Commitment.
“I am pleased to share the 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan with the community. This plan would not be possible without crucial inputs and feedback from our community members, partners, and the members of the Cobourg Police Service. The comprehensive plan embodies the priorities of the Board and the Service, the people, community, and businesses we serve,” said Dean Pepper, Chair of the Cobourg Police Services Board.
“The Strategic Plan is tailored to the community and provides a framework for an integrated approach to policing rooted in innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. As the Service works to achieve the plan objectives, the Board will provide guidance while actively measuring the success of outcomes.”
The Board’s Strategic Planning Committee led the development of the Plan. CPS held an extensive consultation period that included a comprehensive online survey followed by a series of focus groups. The consultation opportunities gathered input from citizens, members, partners and stakeholders with diverse representation from across the community.
“Our shared vision of a safe and vibrant town for all requires a comprehensive plan that recognizes and addresses the challenges of today and the future. Beyond enforcement, the strategic priorities in the 2022- 2025 Strategic Plan aim to strengthen community partnership, use an evidence-based approach to crime prevention, leverage innovation, and find efficiencies while fostering opportunities for our members to thrive,” said Paul VandeGraaf, Chief of the Cobourg Police Service.
The Board approved the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. A presentation to Cobourg Town Council is scheduled for May 16 (6:00 p.m.) at the regular council meeting. A public presentation will be organized in late May or June (more details to come).