Fed Government Announces Immediate Deployment of Canadian Armed Forces Personnel to Poland in Response to Refugee Crisis

In National

The Canadian Armed Forces are engaged around the world in a number of military operations ranging from humanitarian and relief efforts to peacekeeping to keep Canada and North America safe and to support our partners and NATO allies.

To this end, today, the Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence, announced that up to 150 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel could deploy to Poland, with the immediate deployment of approximately 100 CAF personnel in the coming days to assist with efforts to support and care for Ukrainians fleeing violence.

CAF members will provide assistance in reception centres operated by the Polish Territorial Defence Force located across the country. These centres coordinate the onward movement of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and across Europe. The CAF will provide support, limited medical care, mental health supports and spiritual services, enabled by Ukrainian-speaking CAF personnel to assist with the immediate care and processing of refugees.

This deployment is being carried out as part of Operation REASSURANCE, Canada’s largest contribution to NATO. It is expected to last for an initial period of two months, after which point the need will be reassessed.

In support of Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada, the CAF will also act as a liaison with the Polish Armed Forces to assist with the federal response to support temporary residence for Ukrainians wishing to work and study in Canada.

In support of the newly established Humanitarian Assistance Task Force, designed to synchronize and coordinate the efforts of more than 100 multinational humanitarian agencies, the CAF will also be contributing several planning officers to this Polish-led initiative alongside our Allies.

The CAF along with our NATO allies, remain committed to supporting the people of Ukraine as they continue to defend themselves against Russia’s illegal and unprovoked attacks.



“In the face of heinous acts of war, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homeland. For months, Poland has stepped up and helped welcome its neighbours during this humanitarian crisis. The Canadian Armed Forces are proud to contribute to the efforts of its Ally and close friend.”

 The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence


“Poland and our other European allies have stepped up to protect and support Ukrainians seeking refuge, as they flee Putin’s egregious war on their homeland. We’ll continue to work with our partners, including provinces and territories, settlement organizations, and the Ukrainian-Canadian community to provide support and temporary safe haven for those who wish to come to Canada.”

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship


Quick Facts

  • Budget 2022 recognizes that we are facing some of the most difficult challenges of our time. It invests an addition $8 billion dollars in Canada’s defence capabilities and in the alliances to ensure a robust and coordinated global response to the ongoing security crisis that the world today faces.
  • To date in 2022, Canada has committed $145 million in humanitarian assistance, and $35 million in development assistance to provide direct support to Ukrainians who have been affected by the illegal, full-scale Russian invasion.
  • The federal government has also announced more than $110 million in military aid, and is providing military aid—both lethal and non-lethal—to support Ukraine. Budget 2022 proposes to provide an additional $500 million in 2022-23 to provide further military aid to Ukraine.
  • CAF members deploying will be drawn from trades and units across the country, including medical support staff, chaplains, civil-military cooperation operators and general duty staff.
  • The majority of CAF personnel will come from 1st Canadian Division, based out of Kingston Ontario, and the 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based out of Edmonton, Alberta.
Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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