Remembering a Life Lost Too Soon

In Community, Editor Choice, Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
A big celebration of life is planned Aug. 7, 2022, in Cobourg’s Victoria Park, a time to gather and celebrate a young man taken too soon.

Nineteen-year-old Neil Henley, the only child of Christina and Mike Henley, was killed in a collision on August 6, 2021, as he and some friends came home from the casino in Peterborough.

They were in Neil’s car, family friend Amy Talsma related, and Neil had the forethought to ask one of his friends to be the designated driver. But his choice was an unfortunate one – the car became involved in a police chase and T-boned another car.  The driver is facing several criminal charges.

The loss has hit the family hard, Amy reported, and it’s been a blow to her as well to lose the boy she knew and loved all his life.

Amy has been best friends with Christina for a quarter-century, and still remembers how big Christina was before her son was born. And when he came along, Amy was in effect his non-biological aunt – a very proud one, cheering him on as he graduated from St. Michael Elementary School and then St. Mary Secondary School.

His mother always said Neil was the boy who never knew a stranger. Amy agreed that he became instant friends with anyone he met, and both looked forward to watching a bright future unfold for him.

In fact, last summer was a time for new beginnings for Christina and Mike as well. The outdoors life of Elliot Lake beckoned, and they decided it was time for a change. Though they moved north in July, Neil stayed in his home community and kept his job at BuildX in Port Hope, where he was working on a project to build affordable modular homes.

“He was very excited about the research of the project, and affordability – he was determined to make a difference,” Amy recalled.

Neil had taken over paying the rent on the family’s Port Hope home, but was planning his own move in the fall. He and his mother were planning to check out the courses at Algonquin College’s Bachelor of Building Science Program, which he would have started in January.

Looking for a way to establish some kind of memorial to this amazing young man, Amy has set up a GoFundMe account to raise money that will designate a memorial bench in Neil’s honour in Cobourg, where he grew up and went to school.

“We are hoping to have the bench placed in Victoria Park and are having a dedication ceremony on Aug. 7,” she said.

Donations are being taken at

And plans are proceeding for Aug. 7, when a barbecue will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. at the gazebo in Victoria Park. Neil’s family invites all who knew him to gather for a time of remembrance, reflection and more of the stories that will celebrate an all-too-short life.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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